The Game Changers Playbook

Create Change with Humble Discovery

History elevates and celebrates game changers. These are people that have overcome numerous challenges, setbacks, rejections and failures to bring a new idea, invention, understanding or discovery to life for the benefit of humanity.  But change is hard because it requires humans to take risks and deviate from status quo and business as usual. This requires behaviour change, which is incredibly complex because humans and the world we live in are incredibly and beautifully complex.

At UQ we are developing a new approach - Humble Discovery - where new knowledge, discovery, development and deployment occurs through collaboration between researchers, industry and the community working together. We’re focused on helping the brightest minds work alongside organisations, investors and the community to co-create disruptive, transformational new products, services and organisations.

We’re on a mission to reduce the distance between ideas and innovations, between problems and solutions, between today and tomorrow. So, we're constantly developing methods, tactics, tools and resources to help innovators and game changers influence the world, for good.

In this introductory video, UQ Business School Industry Professor and Entrepreneur in Residence, Cameron Turner, outlines how “The Game Changers Playbook” can help you create change. 

The 7 Playbook modules

Module 1: Understanding and influencing human behaviour – For good 

Module 2: Discovering and Understanding Your Who 

Module 3: How do you discover problems worth solving and opportunities worth creating? 

Module 4: Identifying Insights, Testing Assumptions and Finding Stakeholders 

Module 5: A Desirable Feasible and Viable Business Model 

Module 6: Creating Disruptive Business Models 

Module 7: Creating Impact from Innovation 

If you like the first module below, complete this short survey and we’ll send you access to the remainder of the modules.

1. Module 1: Understanding and influencing human behaviour – For good

In this learning module you will: 

  1. Develop an understanding of the complexities of innovation and the differences between the three main types of innovations (efficiency, sustaining, and transformational) that exist.
  2. Understand that innovation requires us to influence humans to change their behaviour, which is very hard. You will start to learn how to acquire, characterise and build empathy with key stakeholders you want to influence (for good!).
  3. Interpret the difference between discovering better ways to solve existing problems and puzzles and creating new solutions with new meaning by solving complex mysteries.

Watch the introductory animation on YouTube:

Start Module 1

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