In the last few years, online learning has become an increasingly more recognised quality study option. Many students have chosen to transition from in-person learning to studying online because of the flexibility and convenience it offers.
Online learning provides new benefits and opportunities outside of traditional face-to-face study that let you learn when and how you want. When considering postgraduate study, many programs delivered online promote accessibility, inclusivity, and connectivity by helping bridge distance and quality education. But despite the advantages of studying online, you might still hold a few misconceptions about online learning, what it means for your career outcomes and how exactly you’ll learn.
Here are 5 myths about online learning debunked to help you feel more confident in your decision to study to study a postgraduate program online at UQ Business School.
1. All online learning is the same
A common assumption is that online learning lacks variety, which makes it difficult to distinguish programs from one another. Others might think that online programs only provide rigid reading materials. However, each online program at UQ engages different facilitators, academics, and consultants who enrich courses with unique teaching styles and learning methods to shape your learning experience.
In particular, UQ Business School programs are led by globally renowned experts in business leadership, service innovation and analytics. Academics and course facilitators bring their specialist knowledge into both theoretical and practical assessments to give students a holistic understanding of course material while keeping them motivated and eager to learn more.
Master of Business Analytics graduates Kyara Ramraj and Brittany Suess found the program to be practical and industry relevant.
Brittany says that rather than writing a stock standard reports, the program focuses on 'genuine assessments' with the opportunity to “create outputs like you would expect to undertake in industry.”
“There’s room for creativity, and to put your own personal direction into things. Often, you can apply the assessment items to your current industry or industry of choice.”
Kyara agrees, saying "The content of the program is highly relevant. I cannot stress this enough. It's forward-thinking and innovative and is a great blend of academic study and application to real-world challenges - challenges that are brought about by new technologies and ways of working."
2. Online learning is socially isolating
Remote learning might seem like solitary experience that consists of you alone in your designated study space devoid of interaction, staring at the computer screen for hours. But online learning can actually be a social experience for many stucents.
UQ Business School's online postgraduate programs place importance on discussion and debate between peers and teachers. They also create dynamic bonding opportunities with other students within a virtual community, and interactice spaces such as forums and video groups help create an immersive online experience.
UQ student Tim regards the online learning experience in the Master of Business Analytics to be collaborative and social.
"I got to know the other students in my class very well and I think those connections make the learning outcomes better," he says.
"Being online still allowed us to interact together," Sandra agrees. "We got to learn about each other and find out about our home situations, our families, and our work."
3. Any course can be put online
While any learning materials can technically be copy and pasted onto a virtual platform, UQ's online programs are specifically structured and adapted to suit this mode of delivery.
As tertiary education continues to transform across online spaces, more opportunities for engagement are ccreated to improve learning outcomes. The continued growth and potential of online postgraduate programs has shown us that courses need to be specifically designed to successfully deliver learning materials virtually. Especially in an online environment, course design should elevate the way you're taught and how you learn.
This is one of the things Brittany loves about the Master of Business Analytics.
"The courses in the program have been developed purely for the program. This makes sure the course content is relevant and current.”
4. There are limited opportunities to connect with industry
The idea that online programs limit your ability to network or expand career outcomes can discourage people from considering online learning, but postgraduate programs delivered online can create valuable opportunities to meet other industry professionals.
In addition to connecting with peers and teachers, UQ's online postgraduate programs provides avenues to connect with industry professionals and undertake practical exercises. You can access valuable contacts and events to communicate with and learn from different people, communities, and businesses.
Sandra found the hands-on assessment in the Master of Business Analytics allowed her to develop real insight into industry practices.
"I've enjoyed learning from real business case scenarios how business analytics team use insights to increase profits and better the customer and employee experience," Sandra says.
Similarly, Tim developed industry-level knowledge through the practical assessments offered the Master of Business Analytics.
"I gained formative insights into industry intricacies by learning to run an analytics project in an agile environment through realistic group activities," he says.
Online postgraduate programs also give you the bonus of making connections outside your area, state, and even country. The opportunity to connect with industry on an international level can further expand your network, experience and career outcomes.
"UQ's Master of Business Analytics connected me with a network of data-driven business professionals and new career opportunities in leading data analytics consultancies," Tim says.
5. Online learners receive little support
There is a lingering myth that learning online is an entirely independent exercise, so you might feel that studying online isn't compatible with your learning style. However, as an online learner at UQ, you are likely to gain specialised support and receive personalised feedback.
"It was a very supportive learning environment," Tim says. "Lecturers encourage everybody to post online on the discussion boards. My tutors were responsive and even offered one-on-one sessions."
Kyara agrees, saying she found the flexibility of the program and the support available to be very helpful.
"This program accommodates full-time working professionals like myself," she said. "All lectures are after regular working hours, lectures are recorded for those who cannot join due to personal commitments, and the lecturers are always open to consultation. This makes learning personalised and very supportive."
Expand your career outcomes
Shape your studies to fit with your life and ambitions — anytime, anywhere with UQ Business School's online postgraduate programs. UQ's Master of Business Analytics engages multi-disciplinary perspectives so you can drive change in a dynamic business landscape and everchanging digital world.