Fintech: Investigating the Digital Transformation of Financial Service Ecosystems
Fintech describes the intersection of financial services with technology, and represents an emerging area of interest for information systems and service research today. The recent rise of Fintech has been driven by technological advances like cryptocurrencies, robo-advice, or peer-to-peer (P2P) lending - all of which challenge the status quo of mainstream banking and its established service ecosystems. Fintech therefore represents a prime example, and ideal context, to investigate current research challenges associated with digital transformation at the intersection of information and service research, including service system emergence, value co-creation, or the role and impact of new customer-technology interfaces. I will provide an overview of my current research programme associated with the digital transformation of financial service ecosystems, and introduce work-in-progress related to i) transformation of service ecosystems through cryptocurrencies; ii) orchestration of value co-creation in P2P-lending platforms, and iii) humanizing financial services through robo-advice.
Dr Christoph Breidbach
Dr Christoph Breidbach is a Lecturer at The University of Melbourne, School of Computing and Information Systems. He previously held a postdoctoral position at the University of California Merced and was a visiting researcher at IBM’s Almaden Research Center. His empirical and conceptual research addresses the fundamental question of how information technology transforms service ecosystems, and is positioned at the intersection of the Business Information Systems and Service Science disciplines. Dr Breidbach’s publications consistently appear in leading journals like the Journal of Service Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Managing Service Quality, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Service Science, as well as the ICIS, ECIS, ACIS and HICSS Proceedings. He serves on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Service Research, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, as well as the Journal of Business Research, and leads the AIS Special Interest Group Services as elected President.
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