Management Seminar: Academy of Management Discoveries Editor Workshop
UQ Business is proud to announce an upcoming publishing workshop with Professor Peter Bamberger, Editor of Academy of Management Discoveries. The workshop is sponsored by UQ Business School's Management Discipline, and will be held on Monday 23 September 2019.
You are welcome to attend without submitting an abstract, but we hope to have at least a dozen paper submissions for discussion as Peter has generously offered his time to provide feedback for our submissions.
The session is open to all (not just UQ).
About the Workshop:
This presentation and workshop will be facilitated by Academy of Management Discoveries’ (AMD) editor, Peter Bamberger.
Presentation topics include:
- Abductive (as opposed to deductive and inductive) reasoning as a necessary basis for research in management and organizations
- Plausibility vs. Confirmation, and the distinctive nature of AMD papers.
- Surfacing phenomenon: Phenomenology and scale development research in AMD
- Meta-analysis and replication research in AMD
- Using big/secondary data as a basis for theoretical insight
- How to maximize the odds of paper acceptance in AMD
Roundtable paper development sessions:
- Feedback on papers that authors are considering for submission to Academy of Management Discoveries
- A select number of papers will be presented, discussed and developed.
- Discussions are open to both paper authors and non-author participants.
- Discussions will focus on framing, methodological rigor, empirical follow-up, interpretation, and specifying directions for down-the-road theorizing.
Registration and abstract application
- Those who wish to have their paper reviewed and discussed should submit an extended abstract of their papers or paper ideas by Sunday 15 September 2019. Abstracts will be accepted on a competitive basis.
- Extended abstracts should be between 5 and 10 pages of text, double spaced, excluding tables, figures and references. Abstracts should provide a synopsis of the research question, its relevance and significance, a statement relating to the limited ability of extant concepts and/or theory to provide a coherent response to that question, the empirical approach, and the implications of the findings for down-the-road theorizing.
- Before you submit your extended abstract please make sure that your extended abstract is appropriate for AMD by reading AMD’s Mission Statement and Principles and the AMD submission FAQ's.
- You may also view the AMD Workshop Experience video.
- Paper feedback sessions are open to all, but discussions will revolve around papers submitted and accepted for discussion at the workshop.
Please contact AMD office with questions and inquiries.
Morning tea will be supplied, followed by lunch at 1pm
About Academic Seminars
Our academic seminars are a forum for our academic staff to collaborate, share and discuss relevant research and trends with their peers and broader academic community.