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  • The Paris climate change summit will trigger a new wave of cleantech investment. The breakthroughs it brings will drive economic growth and create new jobs and prosperity.

  • The movie The Big Short focuses on the events leading up to the financial crisis. However, according to Professor Anne Wyatt and Professor Peter Wells, the root of the problem lay in US policies introduced decades before.
  • Which of the most popular slogans are most persuasive to customers – and what do they really say about your product?
  • Concerns over missed social opportunities can be a major driver for Millennials, as the travel industry has discovered.
  • Telemedicine could transform Australia’s health services – but overcoming resistance from patients and healthcare professionals will require strong change management skills.
  • Australian retailers are losing out in the competition for online sales, as consumers now spend more money with overseas websites than those from home-grown companies. Here are some lessons retailers could learn from their foreign competitors.
  • Tired of working long hours as an owner manager? By taking a step back, you can improve your quality of life and will be in a better position to take the business forward.
  • Innovation is big business and many companies invest heavily in trying to generate new ideas. But is it worthwhile? According to some experts, most business already have enough ideas - they just need to get better at putting them into practice.
  • Corporate sponsorship of charities is on the rise and offers benefits for both sides – though choosing the wrong partner can damage reputations. Now research has cast new light on what makes a successful sponsorship deal.
