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  • There are still very few women in top jobs, even though their presence gives companies a strategic advantage. Now a new report has identified ways employers can help them rise through the ranks.
  • New research suggests that Australia’s controversial law to curb excessive executive pay has met with some success – but at a price.

  • America’s No.1 residential lender was one of the first to collapse in the financial crisis. Now a new report analyses what went wrong and what lessons we can learn from it.
  • With the rise of influencer marketing, companies are paying celebrities up to $10,000 a tweet to mention their products, while bloggers are benefiting from VIP treatment. But to what extent can a small number of people really influence opinions and drive sales?
  • By Associate Professor Sunil Venaik and Dr Paul Brewer for The Conversation (September 2015)
  • Now there’s a new place to hang out at work. Enterprise social networks provide an online environment where employees can get to know their colleagues, work together and exchange ideas.
  • Innovation has long been viewed as a way to achieve competitive advantage but new research suggests it may be an asset for brand building too.
  • Managers often dismiss the role of feelings but research suggests they should pay attention to the emotional climate at work and choose staff with emotional intelligence. Here are eight ways to create an emotionally healthy organisation.
  • Iran offers great potential for Australian business following the lifting of sanctions, but ignorance about the country could result in lost opportunities, says management expert Associate Professor Bernard McKenna.
