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  • Smartphones will become the new wallets as digital money grows in popularity - but this new and disruptive technology could also have a profound impact on business and the world economy.
  • There are still very few women in top jobs, even though their presence gives companies a strategic advantage. Now a new report has identified ways employers can help them rise through the ranks.
  • America’s No.1 residential lender was one of the first to collapse in the financial crisis. Now a new report analyses what went wrong and what lessons we can learn from it.
  • By Associate Professor Sunil Venaik and Dr Paul Brewer for The Conversation (September 2015)
  • Meditation is catching on amongst CEOs as the new way to get ahead. But can a few minutes of daily contemplation really improve your leadership skills or your company’s profitability?

  • Forget PowerPoint presentations - leaders need to be able to tell a good story if they are to make their ideas stick. Storytelling can help businesses to motivate staff and inspire brand loyalty. Now developments in the digital world are making this ancient art more relevant than ever.
  • Managers often dismiss the role of feelings but research suggests they should pay attention to the emotional climate at work and choose staff with emotional intelligence. Here are eight ways to create an emotionally healthy organisation.
  • As one of the world’s largest consumer markets, India offers huge opportunities for Australian companies but also major cultural challenges. After a memorable tour of India with a party of MBA students, MBA Director, Dr Sarah Kelly reveals some of the insights they gained.
  • Innovation isn’t just about technology - enterprising HR professionals are enhancing their firm’s performance by finding new ways to manage and motivate staff. Here are 7 ways to follow their example and be a HR innovator.
