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  • Should advertisers use different positioning messages to promote the same product to different audiences? And if so, could there be a backlash if one group sees an advert targeted at another? New research has cast light on this marketing dilemma.
  • Managers trying to encourage their team to ‘do more with less’ sometimes overstep the mark. But when do high-pressure demands turn into abuse – and why do staff differ so markedly in their reactions to it? And how can managers trying to improve performance avoid being seen as bullies?
  • Property expert Associate Professor Clive Warren explains the underlying factors affecting the property market and answers the question everyone is asking.
  • Professional networking sites are undoubtedly a great way to stay in touch with business contacts, former colleagues and uni mates, but how essential are they to the job application process? Are the days of the paper résumé numbered? And what’s an online peer endorsement worth? As LinkedIn turns 10, we ask: is the résumé dead?
  • In the 1950s Australia was the lucky country. Under Hawke we became the clever country. But are good fortune and bright ideas enough? UQ Business School's Professor Mark Dodgson argues that we must become the innovative country since innovation is the driver of future economic growth.
  • It's close to a quarter of a century since the People's Republic of China embraced the symbol of the capitalist economy: the share market. UQ Business School's Caroline Chen says reforms over recent years are improving corporate governance and will have a knock on effect for investor confidence. But the playing field isn't quite level yet.
  • NEXT? began with a question at UQ Business School. What if we gathered the brightest future-thinkers and discussed what’s next for business?
  • Cost overruns are threatening investment in the oil and gas industry. Does this mean a shift overseas? If companies focus on innovation, collaboration and deepening competitive capabilities, Australia's energy industry can continue to compete globally.
  • Even environmental activists go on holiday – although they may feel guilty about their impact on the planet. Now research has revealed the six most common excuses they use to justify their behaviour.
