Dr Tina Janamian

Researcher biography
Adjunct Associate Professor Tina Janamian is currently the Group Chief Executive at the Australian General Practice Accreditation Ltd (AGPAL) Group of Companies including Quality Innovation Performance Limited (QIP), Quality Innovation Performance Consulting Pty Ltd (QIP Consulting), Quality Innovation Performance International Pty Ltd (QIP International), CFEP Surveys and Care Opinion Australia.
Tina has been an academic at the University of Queensland since 2001 and has extensive experience in health care transformation, workforce development and health services research. She was the past Director, Strategic Research and Partnership Development for the APHCRI Centre of Research Excellence in Building Primary Care Quality, Performance and Sustainability at the Discipline of General Practice, School of Medicine.
In the past fifteen years Tina has strategically led complex health care programs involving numerous influential stakeholders and multi-disciplinary teams across several sites and states, to support Australian health care reform and improve the quality of health services and outcomes in the community. Her research interests and expertise include health systems and policy; development and implementation of innovative interventions in primary care; performance and quality improvement; and embedding innovative frameworks such as value co-creation for enhancing stakeholder and end-user engagement to optimise research uptake into policy and practice. Tina is a member on the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) Accreditation Council and ISQua’s Academy of Quality and Safety in Health Care. She is a Director on several not-for-profit Boards, a member of two International Editorial Boards, and a reviewer for numerous reputable medical journals. She also chairs a range of sub-committees as a non-executive director.
Tina is a passionate leader driven to support Australia’s primary health care reform. She is committed to improving integrated health care service delivery through patient and care provider feedback, continuous quality improvement, systems redesign and innovative models of person-centred care to achieve the Quadruple Aim.