Importance of SMART Work: Learn why adopting SMART Work Design principles is crucial for maintaining motivation, preventing burnout, and fostering positive mental health in the workplace.

  • How can we create work environments that prioritize both productivity and employee wellbeing
  • What are the warning signs that our current job design may be leading to burnout, and how can SMART Work Design help mitigate these risks.
  • In what ways can managers empower their teams to take ownership of their work and craft roles that are fulfilling and sustainable.
  • How can individuals apply SMART Work Design principles to find balance and fulfillment in their current roles?

Dr. Caroline Knight is a Senior Lecturer in Management at The University of Queensland Business School. Caroline’s research focuses on understanding how we can design and redesign work which is optimal for health and wellbeing. Specifically, her interests focus on work design in the context of hybrid and remote work, and both top-down manager-led and bottom-up individual-led work redesign interventions, such as job crafting. Caroline focuses on translating research to practice and has garnered $1 million in industry and government grants.

Her research has been published in several top journals such as Human Resource Management, the Journal of Organizational BehaviourHuman Relations, the Journal of Vocational Behaviour, and Work & Stress. Prior to her current role, Caroline spent five and a half years as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Centre for Transformative Work Design, Future of Work Institute, Curtin University, Western Australia.

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