Associate Professor Yiqiong Li

Yiqiong’s teaching expertise is in HRM and organizational health and safety. Her specific research interests include organizational climate, leadership, job design and workplace bullying. Yiqiong’s research agenda focuses upon exploring organizational and job factors on work-related well-being and translate this knowledge into strategies to enhance employee health and safety. This research is focused within the healthcare industry and will be extended to hospitality and education industries. Yiqiong works closely with organisations, unions, and peak work health and safety bodies to ensure that the findings of her research are translated into workplaces.
Researcher biography
Yiqiong specializes in research within the domains of HRM and organizational behavior, with a particular focus on workplace bullying prevention. Her research agenda explores how organizational and job factors influence work-related well-being and seeks to translate this knowledge into strategies that enhance employee health and safety. Yiqiong works closely with organisations, unions, and peak work health and safety bodies to ensure that the findings of her research are translated into workplaces effectively. Her work has informed workplace practices and provided practical resources that support system-wide changes that not only prevent bullying but also promote the overall well-being of all employees.