Researcher biography

Matt lectures and researches management accounting. Matt completed his PhD in management accounting while working full-time in industry. Matt worked in accounting and finance roles including Group Financial Controller at GenesisCare (tier one private equity environment with CVC Worldwide), and Group Strategy and Financial Controller for Major Change at Woolworths Limited. Before that, Matt worked at Hewlett-Packard, Astra Zeneca, Tyco International, and Gerling Global. Earlier in his career, Matt started and sold an indoor rock climbing gym business and a climbing wall manufacturing business. Matt likes to bring innovative insights from sociology and strategic management literature to his management accounting research projects. Matt has developed a range of innovative teaching materials and materials for management accounting classrooms to give students real-life knowledge and skills. Matt received the 2022 UQ BEL Leading Teaching Award. Matt loves how at UQ he can flex time to balance his work and private lives.