Miss Nadia Bello Rinaudo

Researcher biography
Nadia is a PhD candidate in Business Information Systems at the UQ Business School, The University of Queensland, Australia. She holds a Master of Business degree with a double major in Information Systems and Human Resources (The University of Queensland). She also holds a Bachelor of Psychology (Universidad Catolica de La Plata, Argentina). Nadia’s professional record includes more than five years of industry experience before starting her postgraduate studies.
Nadia presented her research in highly ranked international information systems conferences (ICIS 2023, ACIS 2022). She received the Best Presentation Award in the BEL Research Colloquium 2023 and the Best Short-Paper Runner Up award at ICIS 2023 (selected from more than 200 accepted short papers).
Nadia receives a UQ Graduate School Scholarship for academic excellence (research training tuition fee offset). She also received the UQ Global Leaders Scholarship, the UQ Employability Award, and is part of the Dean´s Honour Roll for academic excellence.
Nadia´s research interests are in the field of Business Information Systems. She is currently undertaking her doctoral studies focusing on the use and discontinued use of social media platforms, exploring the implications this social technology has on individuals and organizations. Methodologically, she uses both qualitative and quantitative methods in her studies.
- Nadia Bello Rinaudo teaches information systems in a postgraduate program. In 2022 and 2023, Nadia has been a tutor and facilitator, delivering the work-integrated learning course Business Information Systems Analysis and Design (BISM7255). She teaches students UML modelling for analysis and design. She also facilitates the development of a real-world business application using Siemens Mendix, a low-code development platform.
- In 2023, Nadia received the Casual Academic Tutor Award. She received award’s nominations from the course coordinator and from her students, based on her contributions, commitment, and innovativeness to enhancing students' learning through the use of technology.
- In 2022 and 2023, Nadia facilitated in the InspireU program. The program is organized by UQ and aims to engage Indigenous high school students to broaden their career possibilities. Nadia’s topic focused on the impact of information technologies on business.
- Nadia started teaching in 2012, tutoring for an undergraduate psychology course in Argentina (UCALP, Argentina).
- Since 2011, Nadia has taught and facilitated workshops for high school students in Argentina and Australia through different companies (diverse topics including leadership, entrepreneurship, intercultural competencies)
- Nadia has served as a reviewer for esteemed information systems journals (i.e., EJIS) and conferences (i.e., ICIS, ECIS, and ACIS).
Nadia has volunteered for highly ranked IS conferences (ICIS 2023). - Nadia actively volunteers at The University of Queensland. She is a Mental Health Champion, UQ Ally (supporting the diversity of sexuality, sex, and gender), UQ DIAN (advocating for disability inclusion), and was the Vice-President of the UQ Business School Postgraduate Association (BSPA).
Supervisor Team
Principal Supervisor: Dr. Sabine Matook, Professor in Information Systems at the UQ Business School, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Associate Supervisor: Dr. Alan R. Dennis, Professor of Information Systems and the John T. Chambers Chair of Internet Systems in the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University.