Ms Mahsa Amirzadeh
Room 411, Joyce Ackroyd Building, St. Lucia Campus.

Book Chapters
Harati, Hamidreza, Ashkanasy, Neal M. and Amirzadeh, Mahsa (2024). Negative feedback, emotion regulation, and task performance: a moderated mediation model. Emotion in Organizations: A Coat of Many Colors. (pp. 117-131) edited by Neal M. Ashkanasy, Ashlea C. Troth and Ronald H. Humphrey. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group. doi: 10.1108/s1746-979120240000019006
Amirzadeh, Mahsa, Ashkanasy, Neal M., Harati, Hamidreza, Brienza, Justin P. and Baumeister, Roy F. (2022). Can Social Rejection Change Employees' Value Priorities? The Mediating Roles of Emotional Distress and Emotional Numbness. Emotions and Negativity. (pp. 63-85) Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group. doi: 10.1108/s1746-979120210000017010
Harati, Hamidreza, Ashkanasy, Neal M. and Amirzadeh, Mahsa (2019). Self-uncertainty and emotional well-being across cultures: the mediating roles of social comparison. Emotions and leadership. (pp. 209-223) edited by Neal M. Ashkanasy, Wilfred J. Zerbe and Charmine E. J. Härtel. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Limited. doi: 10.1108/s1746-979120190000015010
Amirzadeh, Mahsa (2023). Investigating value malleability in reaction to a negative interpersonal prime. PhD Thesis, School of Business, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/3211ec3