Professor Martie-Louise Verreynne
Associate Dean (Research)
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
+61 7 336 53320

Steen, John T., Ahmad, Shabbir, Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Battese, George and Burki, Abid (2016). Final Report: Farmers' capabilities, productivity and profitability: a case study of small holders in selected agro zones in Pakistan. Canberra, ACT, Australia: ACIAR.
Book Chapters
Jiang, Yawei, Ritchie, Brent W. and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2023). Building dynamic capabilities in tourism organisations for disaster management: enablers and barriers. Knowledge management, organisational learning and sustainability in tourism. (pp. 77-102) edited by Aurora Martíınez-Martínez, Juan-Gabriel Cegarra-Navarro and Alexeis Garcia-Perez. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781032626512-5
Jenkins, Anna, Steen, John and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2015). Entrepreneurial exit: who, what or to where? Regional relocation as a form of exit. Research Handbook of Entrepreneurial Exit. (pp. 246-264) edited by Dawn R. DeTienne and Karl Wennberg. Northampton, MA United States: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781782546979
Ford, Jerad A., Steen, John, Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Farrel, Bradley, Marion, Gerald and Naicker, Seelan (2014). Confronting the productivity challenge in the high cost economy: evidence from the Australian oil and gas industry. Global perspectives on achieving success in high and low cost operating environments. (pp. 153-171) edited by Göran Roos and Narelle Kennedy. London, United Kingdom: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5828-8.ch006
Pregelj, Lisette, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Hine, Damian (2011). Small pharmaceutical firms building capabilities to compete along the global research and development pipeline. International entrepreneurship in the life sciences. (pp. 64-100) edited by Marian V. Jones, Colin Wheeler and Pavlos Dimitratos. Cheltenham United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Gerriet, Remi and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2011). Redflow Technologies Ltd: Flexibility and agility, the challenges for growth in a renewable energy industry. Contemporary strategic management: An Australasian perspective. (pp. 420-430) edited by Robert M. Grant, Bella Butler, Humphry Hung and Stuart Orr. Milton, Qld.: John Wiley and Sons.
Luke, Belinda, Kearins, Kate and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2011). Airways Corporation of New Zealand Limited: Navigating aircraft, international airspace and entrepreneurial success. New venture creation entrepreneurship for the 21st century: A Pacific rim perspective. (pp. 33-43) edited by J. A. Timmons, L. M. Gillin, S. L. Burshtein and S. Spinelli. North Ryde, NSW, Australia: McGraw-Hill.
Luke, Belinda, Kearins, Kate and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2010). Landcorp farming limited: Cultivating livestock, ideas and innovation. Innovation and entrepreneurship. (pp. 188-199) edited by Ian Hunter and Kevin Morris. Auckland, New Zealand: University of Auckland Business Case Centre.
Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Meyer, Denny (2007). Modelling the role of intrapreneurial strategy-making in small firm performance. Entrepreneurial Strategic Processes. (pp. 103-130) edited by G. T. Lumpkin and J. A. Katz. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: JAI Press, Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/S1074-7540(07)10005-2
Schibbye, Thomas and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2005). Where and how do innovative firms find new business opportunities - an exploratory study of New Zealand firms. The Emergence of Entrepreneurial Economics. (pp. 141-163) edited by G. T. Vinig and R. C. W. van der Voort. Oxford: Elsevier JAI. doi: 10.1016/S0737-1071(05)09009-8
Luke, B. and Verreynne, M. (2005). New Zealand Post: banking on growth. Case in Point: Best Cases from the 2005 International Conference on Case Study Teaching and Learning. (pp. 67-83) edited by M. Wilson. Auckland, New Zealand: GSE Publications.
Journal Articles
Cao, Zhe, Verreynne, Martie‐Louise and de Oliveira, Rui Torres (2024). Reflecting back and looking forward: a systematic literature review of SME–university collaborations. International Journal of Management Reviews. doi: 10.1111/ijmr.12393
Audretsch, David B., Fiedler, Antje, Fath, Benjamin and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2024). The dawn of geographically unbounded entrepreneurial ecosystems. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 22 e00487, e00487. doi: 10.1016/j.jbvi.2024.e00487
Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Ford, Jerad and Steen, John (2023). Strategic factors conferring organizational resilience in SMEs during economic crises: a measurement scale. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 29 (6), 1338-1375. doi: 10.1108/ijebr-07-2022-0681
Figueira, Sandra, Torres de Oliveira, Rui, Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Nguyen, Tam, Indulska, Marta and Tanveer, Asif (2023). Entrepreneurs: gender and gendered institutions' effects in open innovation. Industrial Marketing Management, 111, 109-126. doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2023.04.002
Nguyen, Tam, Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Steen, John and Torres de Oliveira, Rui (2023). Government support versus international knowledge: investigating innovations from emerging-market small and medium enterprises. Journal of Business Research, 154 113305, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.113305
Jiang, Yawei, Ritchie, Brent W. and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2021). Developing disaster resilience: a processual and reflective approach. Tourism Management, 87 104374, 104374. doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2021.104374
Guindalini, Camila, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Kastelle, Tim (2021). Taking scientific inventions to market: Mapping the academic entrepreneurship ecosystem. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 173 121144, 121144. doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121144
Jiang, Yawei, Ritchie, Brent W. and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2021). A resource-based typology of dynamic capability: managing tourism in a turbulent environment. Journal of Travel Research, 61 (5), 004728752110149-1023. doi: 10.1177/00472875211014960
Torres de Oliveira, Rui, Nguyen, Tam, Liesch, Peter, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Indulska, Marta (2021). Exporting to escape and learn: Vietnamese manufacturers in global value chains. Journal of World Business, 56 (4) 101227, 1-16. doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2021.101227
Torres de Oliveira, Rui, Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Steen, John and Indulska, Marta (2021). Creating value by giving away: a typology of different innovation revealing strategies. Journal of Business Research, 127, 137-150. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.01.038
Suhada, Thontowi A., Ford, Jerad A., Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Indulska, Marta (2021). Motivating individuals to contribute to firms’ non-pecuniary open innovation goals. Technovation, 102 102233, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.technovation.2021.102233
Jiang, Yawei, Ritchie, Brent W. and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2021). Building dynamic capabilities in tourism organisations for disaster management: enablers and barriers. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 31 (4), 1-26. doi: 10.1080/09669582.2021.1900204
Steen, John, Ford, Jerad A. and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2021). A dynamic capabilities model of innovation in large interfirm projects. Project Management Journal, 52 (5), 1-16. doi: 10.1177/87569728211033132
Brodie, Roderick J., Ranjan, Kumar Rakesh, Verreynne, Martie-louise, Jiang, Yawei and Previte, Josephine (2021). Coronavirus crisis and health care: learning from a service ecosystem perspective. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 31 (2), 225-246. doi: 10.1108/jstp-07-2020-0178
Ahmad, Shabbir, Shankar, Sriram, Steen, John, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Burki, A. A. (2020). Using measures of efficiency for regionally-targeted smallholder policy intervention: The case of Pakistan’s horticulture sector. Land Use Policy, 101 105179, 105179. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.105179
Torres de Oliveira, Rui, Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Figueira, Sandra, Indulska, Marta and Steen, John (2020). How do institutional innovation systems affect open innovation?. Journal of Small Business Management, 60 (6), 1-45. doi: 10.1080/00472778.2020.1775466
Hughes, Michael J., Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Harpur, Paul and Pachana, Nancy A. (2020). Companion animals and health in older populations: a systematic review. Clinical Gerontologist, 43 (4), 1-13. doi: 10.1080/07317115.2019.1650863
Verreynne, Martie-Louise, de Oliveira, Rui Torres, Steen, John, Indulska, Marta and Ford, Jerad A. (2020). What motivates 'free' revealing? Measuring outbound non-pecuniary openness, innovation types and expectations of future profit growth. Scientometrics, 124 (1), 271-301. doi: 10.1007/s11192-020-03434-4
Dai, Xiaoyong, Verreynne, Martie‐Louise, Wang, Jian‐Hang and He, Yanan (2020). The behavioral additionality effects of a tax incentive program on firms’ composition of R&D investment. R&D Management, 50 (4) radm.12401, 510-521. doi: 10.1111/radm.12401
Tisdell, Clement, Ahmad, Shabbir, Agha, Nadia, Steen, John and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2019). Microfinance for wives: fresh insights obtained from a study of poor rural women in Pakistan. Journal of Research in Gender Studies, 10 (1), 9-37. doi: 10.22381/JRGS10120201
Hunter, Caitlin, Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Pachana, Nancy and Harpur, Paul (2019). The impact of disability-assistance animals on the psychological health of workplaces: a systematic review. Human Resource Management Review, 29 (3), 400-417. doi: 10.1016/j.hrmr.2018.07.007
Jiang, Yawei, Ritchie, Brent W. and Verreynne, Martie‐Louise (2019). Building tourism organizational resilience to crises and disasters: a dynamic capabilities view. International Journal of Tourism Research, 21 (6) jtr.2312, 882-900. doi: 10.1002/jtr.2312
Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Williams, Allan M., Ritchie, Brent W., Gronum, Sarel and Betts, Kim S. (2019). Innovation diversity and uncertainty in small and medium sized tourism firms. Tourism Management, 72, 257-269. doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2018.11.019
Torres de Oliveira, Rui, Indulska, Marta, Steen, John and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2019). Towards a framework for innovation in retailing through social media. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 54 101772, 101772. doi: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2019.01.017
Amarakoon, Upamali, Weerawardena, Jay, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Teicher, Julian (2019). Entrepreneurial behaviour: a new perspective on the role of the HR professional. Personnel Review, 48 (7), 1809-1829. doi: 10.1108/PR-03-2018-0087
Voogt, Thea and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2018). Director appointments: expressing board care and diligence. UNSW Law Journal, 41 (4), 1335-1367.
Ford, Jerad A., Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Steen, John (2018). Limits to networking capabilities: relationship trade-offs and innovation. Industrial Marketing Management, 74, 50-64. doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2017.09.022
Amarakoon, Upamali, Weerawardena, Jay and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2018). Learning capabilities, human resource management innovation and competitive advantage. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29 (10), 1736-1766. doi: 10.1080/09585192.2016.1209228
Kastelle, Tim, King, Sarah, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Kambouris, Peter (2018). Experiences using a science-based Lean LaunchPad program and its impact on national innovation system evolution. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 35 (3), 356-370. doi: 10.1504/IJESB.2018.095902
Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Ho, Marcus and Linnenluecke, Martina (2018). Editorial for the special issue on: organizational resilience and the entrepreneurial firm. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 24 (7), 1122-1128. doi: 10.1108/IJEBR-11-2018-533
Steen, John, Ford, Jerad A. and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2017). Symbols, sublimes, solutions, and problems: a garbage can model of megaprojects. Project Management Journal, 48 (6), 117-131. doi: 10.1177/875697281704800609
Luke, Belinda, Kearins, Kate and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2017). ‘Pushing the boundaries’ versus identifying the boundaries: an institutional perspective on NPM principles. Australian Accounting Review, 27 (3), 285-296. doi: 10.1111/auar.12142
Waye, Vicki, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Knowler, Jane (2017). Innovation in the Australian legal profession. International Journal of the Legal Profession, 25 (2), 1-30. doi: 10.1080/09695958.2017.1359614
De Klerk, Saskia and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2017). The networking practices of women managers in an emerging economy setting: negotiating institutional and social barriers. Human Resource Management Journal, 27 (3), 477-501. doi: 10.1111/1748-8583.12151
Miles, Morgan P., Verreynne, Martie-Louise, McAuley, Andrew and Hammond, Kevin (2017). Exploring public universities as social enterprises. International Journal of Educational Management, 31 (3), 404-414. doi: 10.1108/IJEM-07-2015-0097
McCarthy, Scott, Oliver, Barry and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2017). Bank financing and credit rationing of Australian SMEs. Australian Journal of Management, 42 (1), 58-85. doi: 10.1177/0312896215587316
Linnenluecke, Martina K., Verreynne, Martie-Louise, de Villiers Scheepers, Margarietha J. and Venter, Chanel (2017). A review of collaborative planning approaches for transformative change towards a sustainable future. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142 (4), 3212-3224. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.10.148
Harpur, Paul David, Verreynne, Martie Louise, Bronitt, Simon, Pachana, Nancy, Billings, Peter and Ritchie, Brent (2016). Disability assistance animals or not? Problems in policy and practice workshop. SSRN Electronic Journal doi: 10.2139/ssrn.2856824
Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Hine, Damian, Coote, Len and Parker, Rachel (2016). Building a scale for dynamic learning capabilities: the role of resources, learning, competitive intent and routine patterning. Journal of Business Research, 69 (10), 4287-4303. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.04.003
McKenna, Bernard, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Waddell, Neal W. (2016). Locating gendered work practices: a typology. International Journal of Manpower, 37 (6), 1085-1107. doi: 10.1108/IJM-12-2015-0210
Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Meyer, Denny and Liesch, Peter (2016). Beyond the formal–informal dichotomy of small firm strategy-making in stable and dynamic environments. Journal of Small Business Management, 54 (2), 420-444. doi: 10.1111/jsbm.12143
Gronum, Sarel, Steen, John and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2016). Business model design and innovation: unlocking the performance benefits of innovation. Australian Journal of Management, 41 (3), 585-605. doi: 10.1177/0312896215587315
Pregelj, Lisette, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Hine, Damian (2015). Changes in clinical trial length. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 14 (5), 307-308. doi: 10.1038/nrd4611
Kastelle, Tim, Merchant, Nilofer and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2015). What creates advantage in the "social era"?. Innovations, 10 (3-4), 81-91. doi: 10.1162/inov_a_00241
Ford, Jerad A., Steen, John and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2014). How environmental regulations affect innovation in the Australian oil and gas industry: going beyond the Porter hypothesis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 84 (1), 204-213. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.12.062
Miles, Morgan P., Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Luke, Belinda (2014). Social enterprises and the performance advantages of a Vincentian marketing orientation. Journal of Business Ethics, 123 (4), 549-556. doi: 10.1007/s10551-013-2009-3
Nguyen, Tam, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Steen, John (2014). Drivers of firm formalization in Vietnam: an attention theory explanation. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 26 (7-8), 574-593. doi: 10.1080/08985626.2014.959069
De Villiers Scheepers, M. J., Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Meyer, Denny (2014). Entrepreneurial configurations of small firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 20 (6), 562-583. doi: 10.1108/IJEBR-09-2013-0135
Hine, Damian, Parker, Rachel, Pregelj, Lisette and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2013). Deconstructing and reconstructing the capability hierarchy. Industrial and Corporate Change, 23 (5), 1299-1325. doi: 10.1093/icc/dtt046
Amarakoon, Upamali, Weerawardena, Jay and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2013). Competitive advantage through HR innovation. The European Business Review, 70-72.
Bonney, Laurie, Collins, Ray, Miles, Morgan P. and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2013). A note on entrepreneurship as an alternative logic to address food security in the developing world. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 18 (3) 1350016, 1350016.1-1350016.20. doi: 10.1142/S1084946713500167
Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Parker, Polly and Wilson, Marie (2013). Employment systems in small firms: a multilevel analysis. International Small Business Journal, 31 (4), 405-431. doi: 10.1177/0266242611401445
Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Miles, Morgan P. and Harris, Candice (2013). A short note on entrepreneurship as method: a social enterprise perspective. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 9 (1), 113-128. doi: 10.1007/s11365-012-0239-y
Sassenberg, Anne-Marie, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Morgan, Melissa Johnson (2012). A sport celebrity brand image: a conceptual model. International Journal of Organisational Behaviour, 17 (2), 108-121.
Gronum, Sarel, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Kastelle, Tim (2012). The role of networks in small and medium-sized enterprise innovation and firm performance. Journal of Small Business Management, 50 (2), 257-282. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-627X.2012.00353.x
Newey, Lance R., Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Griffiths, Andrew (2012). The relationship between dynamic and operating capabilities as a stage-gate process: Insights from radical innovation. Journal of Management and Organization, 18 (1), 123-140. doi: 10.5172/jmo.2012.18.1.123
Luke, Belinda, Kearins, Kate and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2011). The risks and returns of new public management: Political business. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 24 (4), 325-355. doi: 10.1108/09513551111133489
Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Meyer, Denny (2011). Differentiation strategies in mature small firms – The impact of uncertain environments. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 12 (3), 327-342. doi: 10.1504/IJESB.2011.039011
Newey, Lance and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2011). Multilevel absorptive capacity and interorganizational new product development: A process study. Journal of Management and Organization, 17 (1), 39-55. doi: 10.1017/s183336720000170x
Luke, Belinda, Kearins, Kate and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2011). Developing a conceptual framework of strategic entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 17 (3), 314-337. doi: 10.1108/13552551111130736
Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Meyer, Denny (2010). Small business strategy and the industry life cycle. Small Business Economics, 35 (4), 399-416. doi: 10.1007/s11187-008-9165-3
Luke, Belinda, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Kearins, Kate (2010). Innovative and entrepreneurial activity in the public sector: The changing face of public sector institutions. Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 12 (2), 138-153. doi: 10.5172/impp.12.2.138
Saxton, M. K., Saxton, T., Steen, J. and Verreynne, M. (2010). Failure to advance: Resource logic for early venture failure. Prometheus, 28 (1), 15-27. doi: 10.1080/08109021003668620
Luke, Belinda G., Kearings, Kate and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2010). Who's afraid of the dark? Transpower New Zealand, Ltd. Business Case Journal, 17 (2), 84-97.
Verreynne, M. (2008). Budget signals shift from handouts. Queensland Business Review, 10-10.
Verreynne, M. (2008). Grow beyond a bright idea. Queensland Business Review, 27-27.
Luke, Belinda, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Kearins, Kate (2008). Measuring the benefits of entrepreneurship at different levels (vol 13, pg 312, 2007). Journal of Management & Organization, 14 (1), 110-110.
Verreynne, M. (2008). Getting the strategy right. Queensland Business Review, 27-27.
Luke, B., Verreynne, M. and Kearins, K. (2007). Measuring the benefits of entrepreneurship at different levels of analysis. Journal of Management and Organization, 13 (4), 312-330. doi: 10.5172/jmo.2007.13.4.312
Verreynne, M. (2006). Strategy-making process and firm performance in small firms. Journal of Management and Organization, 12 (3), 209-222. doi: 10.5172/jmo.2006.12.3.209
Luke, B., Verreynne, M. and Kearings, K. (2006). Quotable value: A case of increasing value. International Journal of Case Method Research and Application, 18 (3), 245-257.
Luke, Belinda and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2006). Social enterprise in the public sector. MetService: Thinking beyond the weather. International Journal of Social Economics, 33 (5-6), 432-445. doi: 10.1108/03068290610660698
Luke, Belinda and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2006). Exploring strategic entrepreneurship in the public sector. Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, 3 (1), 4-26. doi: 10.1108/11766090610659724
Conference Papers
Magar, Sita Bantha, Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Phelan, Anya, Ross, Helen and van Bommel, Severine (2025). Understanding motivation of green entrepreneurs: a proposed study of the emerging bioplastics sector. Australasian Consortium for Entrepreneurship Research Excellence, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 10 - 14 February 2025.
Cao, Zhe and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2024). Reflecting Back and Looking Forward: A Systematic Literature Review of SME-University Collaborations. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024), Chicago, IL United States, 9-13 August 2024. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/amproc.2024.17884abstract
Torres de Oliveira, Rui, Gaur, Ajai Singh, Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Toth-Peter, Agnes and Szabó, Roland Z. (2024). Multinationals, Industry 4.0, and Purpose: Challenges, Constraints, and Hindrances. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024), Chicago, IL United States, 9-13 August 2024. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/amproc.2024.17672symposium
Cao, Zhe, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Torres de Oliveira, Rui (2024). Fostering butterflies that transcend paradoxes: A reconstructive approach to accelerate academic-practitioner collaborations. EGOS Conference 2024, Milan, Italy, 4-6 July 2024.
Au, T., Bailey, D., Beattie, E., Brooks, D., Broome, A., Byrne, G., Chatfield, M., Dissanayaka, N., Keramat, S.A., Lehn, A., Liddle, J., Marsh, R., Mitchell, L., Naismith, S., Nestor, S., O’Sullivan, J., Pachana, N., Pourzinal, D., Robertson, S., Shrubsole, K., Sivakumaran, K., Spooner, D., Tinson, H., Verreynne, M.L., Worthy, P. and Yang, J. (2024). Enhancing utility of neuropsychological evaluation for earlier and effective diagnosis of dementia in Parkinson’s disease: PDCogniCare project. Australian Dementia Research Forum 2024, Gold Coast, QLD Australia, 3-5 June 2024.
Cao, Selina, Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Torres de Oliveira, Rui and Indulska, Marta (2023). Enabling tensions: a paradox typology and appreciation strategies for the U-I collaboration. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA, United States, 4-8 August 2023. Briarcliff Manor, NY, United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/amproc.2023.19651abstract
Torres de Oliveira, Rui, Verreynne, Martie‐Louise, Indulska, Marta, Figueira, Sandra and Tanveer, Asif (2022). Entrepreneurs: Gender and Gendered Institutions Effects in Open Innovation. AOM Annual Meeting, Seattle, July. Elsevier BV. doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2022.15170abstract
Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Indulska, Marta, Steen, John, Torres de Oliveira, Rui and Ford, Jerad Allen (2018). Measuring revealing: An instrument for non-pecuniary outbound open innovation. 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL United States, 10-14 August 2018. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2018.10834abstract
Pregelj, Lisette, Hine, Damian Charles, Becerra, Manuel and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2018). Trading-off innovation speed for knowledge during drug development. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL United States, 10-14 August 2018. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2018.15704abstract
Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Indulska, Marta, Steen, John, Torres de Oliveira, Rui and Ford, Jerad (2018). Understanding and measuring revealing: a measurement instrument for non-pecuniary outbound open innovation. Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (ACERE) Conference, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 7 - 9 February 2018.
Amarakoon, Upamali, Weerawardena, Jay and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2013). HR innovation and competitive advantage: Towards an integrated framework. SMA 2013: Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, 5-9 November, 2013. Southern Management Association.
Gronum, Sarel and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2013). Not just networks and open innovation: the role of innovation breadth in unlocking SME performance. 30th Anniversary Pan-Pacific Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, 3-6 June 2013.
de Klerk, Saskia and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2013). Perceived business performance: not the same for everyone. Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference 2013, Brisbane, Australia, 6 - 8 February 2013.
Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2013). The antecedents of innovation in small Australian firms: the role of capabilities. Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference 2013, Brisbane, Australia, 6 - 8 February 2013.
Amarakoon, Upamali, Weerawardena, Jay and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2013). HR innovation for competitive advantage: insights from Australia. HRM&PD2013: 3rd Human Resource Management and Professional Development in the Digital Age, Singapore, 22-23 July, 2013. Singapore, Singapore: GSTF: Global Science and Technology Forum. doi: 10.5176/2251-2349_HRMPD13.09
Malhotra, Aastha and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2013). Investigating the manifestation of decision-making approaches in nonprofits: implications for governance. Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference 2013, Brisbane, Australia, 6-8 February 2013. Brisbane, Australia: Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange.
Amarakoon, Upamali, Weerawardena, Jay and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2013). Theorising about the role of HR innovation in the competitive advantage of firms. Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference 2013, Brisbane, Australia, 6 - 8 February 2013. Brisbane, Australia: Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange.
Malhotra, Aastha, Zammuto, Raymond and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2012). Three schools of not-for-profit management thought - exploring the infleunce of management ideologies on mangerial responses. ANZAM 2012 Conference, Perth, Australia, 5-7 December 2012. Australia: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management.
Gronum, Sarel and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2012). Exploring the diminishing returns of innovation breadth on small firm performance: mediating and moderating mechanisms. SMS 32nd Annual International Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 6-9 October 2012.
Pregelj, Lisette, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Hine, Damian (2011). Capability development in the pharmaceutical commercialisation process. 14th Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies Conference (APROS 2011), Auckland, New Zealand, 28 November - 1 December 2011. Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University of Technology.
Gronum, Sarel and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2011). Convergence in the theory of small firm performance? A meta analysis. 14th Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies Conference (APROS 2011), Auckland, New Zealand, 28 November - 1 December 2011. Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University of Technology.
Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Meyer, Denny (2011). The reality of strategy-making in small firms - A barrier to entrepreneurship?. The 56th Annual ICSB World Conference (ICSB 2011), Stockholm, Sweden, 15-18 June 2011. Washington, DC, United States: International Council for Small Business (ICSB).
Kearings, Kate, Luke, Belinda and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2011). ‘Pushing the boundaries’ versus identifying the boundaries: The limits and limitations of NPM. 2011 AFAANZ Conference, Darwin, Australia, 3-5 July 2011. Carlton, Vic., Australia: AFAANZ.
Maluwetig, Michelle and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2011). Entrepreneurship education: How socially focused should we be?. 8th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Melbourne, Australia, 1-4 February 2011. Melbourne, Australia: Swinburne University of Technology.
Gronum, Sarel and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2011). Open innovation in Australian small firms: When should we collaborate?. 8th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 1-4 February 2011. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Swinburne University of Technology.
Gronum, Sarel and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2011). How much innovation is enough? The case of Australian small firms. 8th AGSE International Research Exchange, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 1-4 February 2011. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Swinburne University of Technology.
Scheepers, Retha De Villiers, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Meyer, Denny (2011). Entrepreneurial postures: A configuration study. 8th AGSE International Research Exchange, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 1-4 February 2011. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Swinburne University of Technology.
Hine, Damian, Parker, Rachel and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2011). Modelling the changing perspectives of capability building in small firms. The 56th Annual ICSB World Conference (ICSB 2011), Stockholm, Sweden, 15-18 June 2011. Washington, DC, United States: International Council for Small Business (ICSB).
Miles, Morgan, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Luke, Belinda (2011). A Vincentian perspective of a sustainable social enterprise business orientation. 18th Annual International Conference Promoting Business Ethics, New York, NY, United States, 26-28 October 2011.
Pregelj, Lisette, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Hine, Damian (2010). Speeding up drug development: Productivity and innovation speed in the biosciences. AGSE Entrepreneurship Conference, Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia, 3-5 February 2010. Hawthorn, VIC, Australia: The Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Swinburne University of Technology.
Hine, D., Pregelj, L. and Verreynne, M. (2010). Capability building in the pharmaceutical industry. Strategic Management Society Conference, Rome, Italy, 12-15 September, 2010.
Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Parker, Polly and Wilson, Marie Elaine Gee (2010). Human resource strategy in small Australian firms: A multilevel analysis. Academy of Management 2010 Annual Meeting: Dare to Care, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 6-10 August 2010. Briarcliff Manor, NY, United States: Academy of Management.
Luke, Belinda, Kearins, Kate and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2010). A theory of strategic entrepreneurship. 7th International AGSE Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, University of the Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia, 2-5 February, 2010. Hawthorn, VIC, Australia: The Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Swinburne University of Technology.
Verreynne, M. (2009). Entrepreneurship and innovation in the public sector. The Innovation Advantage, Yeppoon, QLD, Australia, 17-19 March 2009.
Luke, B., Kearins, K. and Verreynne, M. (2009). Beyond new public management: The rise of new public entrepreneurship. 25th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) 'Upsetting Organizations', Barcelona, Spain, 2-4 July, 2009.
Verreynne, M., Scheepers, R. and Meyer, D. (2009). Entrepreneurial behaviours in uncertainty: Small service firms facing a challenging environment. Business Management Discourse in the New Millennium: Challenges and Opportunities, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 13-16 September, 2009.
Verreynne, M. and Harris, C. (2009). Social intrapreneurship: The case of small nonprofit firms in Australia and New Zealand. 2009 ICSB World Conference, Seoul, Korea, 21-24 June, 2009.
Verreynne, M., Parker, P. and Wilson, M. (2009). The view from below - supporting employees to participate in small firm success. 2009 ICSB World Conference, Seoul, Korea, 21-24 June, 2009.
Verreynne, M., Scheepers, R. and Meyer, D. (2009). Environmental uncertainty and entrepreneurial orientation: A two country study for small service firms. The Future of Asia-Pacific Business: Beyond the Crisis, Brisbane, Australia, 16-18 April, 2009. Australia: ANZIBA.
Luke, B., Verreynne, M. and Kearins, K. (2008). The risks and returns of new public management. 24th EGOS Colloquium: Upsetting Organizations, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10-12 July, 2008.
Luke, B., Kearins, K. and Verreynne, M. (2008). Who's afraid of the dark?. International Case Writers' Workshop and Case Colloquium at the WACRA 2008 conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 29 June - 2 July, 2008.
Scheepers, R. and Verreynne, M. (2008). Comparing the entrepreneurial postures of South African and New Zealand firms: A configurational study. 20th Annual Conference and 21st Birthday Festival of the Southern Africa Institute for Management Scientists, Muldersdrift, Pretoria, South Africa, 14–17 September 2008. Pretoria, South Africa: University of Pretoria.
Saxton, K., Saxton, T., Steen, J. and Verreynne, M. (2008). Failure to launch: Why and when some ventures lose their way on the path to success. 5th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 5-8 February, 2008. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship.
Staggs, J., Verreynne, M. and Liesch, P. (2008). Technology transfer professionals: Navigating institutional terrain. 5th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 5-8 February, 2008. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship.
Verreynne, M. and Meyer, D. (2008). To grow or not to grow: The effects of strategy-making process on small firm performance. 5th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 5-8 February, 2008. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship.
Luke, B., Kearins, K. and Verreynne, M. (2008). 'Pushing the boundaries': The limits and limitations of new public management. 22nd ANZAM Conference 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, 2-5 December, 2008. Lindfield, NSW: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management.
Verreynne, M. and Harris, C. (2008). No rest for the intrapreneur: The case of Switzer rest home. 22nd ANZAM Conference 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, 2-5 December, 2008. Lindfield, NSW: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management.
Verreynne, M. and Meyer, D. (2008). Strategizing to improve entrepreneurial orientation: The case of small firms. 22nd ANZAM Conference 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, 2-5 December, 2008. Lindfield, NSW: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management.
Verreynne, M. (2007). Strategy-making processes: Supporting or stifling entrepreneurial orientation. Strategic Management Society Special Conference: New Frontiers in Entrepreneurship: Strategy, Governance, and Evolution, Catania, Italy, 23-25 May, 2007.
Verreynne, M. and Meyer, D. (2007). Small firm performance: Modelling the role of innovative diferentiation. 4th AGSE International Research Exchange, Brisbane, Australia, 6-9 February, 2007. Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne: Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship.
Luke, B., Verreynne, M. and Kearings, K. (2007). Strategic entrepreneurship: Intersection of fields or distinct organisational process?. 4th AGSE International Research Exchange, Brisbane, Australia, 6-9 February, 2007. Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne: Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship.
Luke, Belinda, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Kearins, Kate (2007). Entrepreneurship in the public sector: A case study of policy implementation in practice. 21st Annual Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM), Sydney, New South Wales, 4-7 December, 2007. Sydney, New South Wales: ANZAM.
Luke, Belinda and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2006). Strategic Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector: Fact or Farce?. 3rd AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Auckland, New Zealand, 7-9 February 2006. Melbourne: Swinburne University of Technology.
Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2006). Help or hindrance: The role of intrapreneurial strategy-making in small firm performance. Third Annual AGSE International Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Exchange, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, 8 - 10 February, 2006. Melbourne: Swinburne University of Technology.
Verreynne, M and Luke, B. (2006). Supporting entrepreneurship in the public sector: The changing face of public institutions. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria, 29 October - 1 November, 2006. West Lafayette, IN: Strategic Management Society.
Luke, B., Verreynne, M and Kearins, K. (2006). Quotable value: A case of increasing value. World Association for Case Method Research and Application 23rd International Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 2-6 July, 2006. Needham, Massachusis: World Association for Case Method Research & Application.
Verreynne, M. and Meyer, D. (2006). The effect of industry life cycle stage on the strategy-making - firm performance relationship. Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, Rockhampton, Australia, 6-9 December 2006. Lindfield, N.S.W: ANZAM & Central Queensland University.
Luke, B., Verreynne, M. and Kearins, K. (2006). Qualifying and quantifying the financial benefits of entrepreneurship. 20th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, Rockhampton, Australia, 6-9 December 2006. Rockhampton, Australia: Central Queensland University.
Working Paper
Tisdell, Clem , Ahmad, Shabbir , Nadia, Agha , Steen, John and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2017). Loans, Wealth Creation and the Socioeconomic Situation of Women in the Taluka Area of the Khairpur District, Sindh, Pakistan: A Study Based on Interviews with Female Focal Groups. Social Economics, Policy and Development. 62. School of Economics, University of Queensland.
Generic Document
Steen, John, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Foster, Mishka (2013). Brisbane Innovation Scorecard 2013. Brisbane City Council and Brisbane Marketing Economic Development Board.
Research Reports
Andreassen, Tor W., Archibald, Gordon, Beekhuyzen, Jenine, Bongiovanni, Ivano, Brea, Edgar, Breidbach, Christoph, Burchill, Keith, Burgers, Henri, Cao, Selina, Coote, Len, Coram, Brendan, Cunningham, Claire, Feast, George, Field, Mitch, Ford, Jerad, Fouche, Leon, Gain, Alexandria, Gooding, Glen, Goyeneche Ramirez, David, Green, Teegan, Gschwind, Daniel, Hall, Thomas, Hartley, Nicole, Heinz, Daniel, Hine, Damian, Indulska, Marta, Kapernick, Brett, Kastelle, Tim, Ko, Ryan ... Zhang, Wenlu (2023). Digital Service Transformation: Pathways to human and economic wellbeing: White paper. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/aed4918
Martie-Louise Verreynne, Rui Torres de Oliveira and Anne-Laure Mention (2022). Creating value with SMEs: A collaboration readiness index and tool.. Melbourne: CSIRO.
De Villiers Scheepers, M.J., de Klerk, S., Daniel, L., Jenner, P., Tracey, N., Renando, C. and Verreynne, M. (2021). Queensland Regional Innovation Benchmark: Research Report 2021. Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia: University of the Sunshine Coast. doi: 10.25907/00088
Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Torres de Oliveira, Rui and Mention, Anne-Laure (2021). Industry-university and research institute collaboration: a small and medium sized enterprise perspective.. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: CSIRO.
Scheepers, Margarietha J., de Klerk, Saskia, Daniel, Lisa, Jenner, Peter and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2020). Regional Innovation Benchmark Research Report: Sunshine Coast 2019-2020. Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia: USC. doi: 10.25907/00004
Hine, Damian, Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Steen, John and Gronum, Sarel (2015). Horticulture innovation Australia, final report: Transformational innovation performance analysis. The University of Queensland Project Number: AI13011 Brisbane, Australia: Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited.
Linnenluecke, Martina K., Verreynne, Martie-Louise, de Villiers Scheepers, Retha, Gronum, Sarel and Venter, Chanel (2014). Planning for a shared vision of a sustainable future. South Africa: Network for Business Sustainability in South Africa.
Curtin, Russell, Farrell, Bradley, Steen, John, Ford, Jerad and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2014). Adapt to win: How Australian oil and gas companies improve productivity in challenging times. Australia: Ernst and Young, Australia.
Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Steen, John (2014). Queensland business innovation survey 2014 report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts (DSITIA).
Indulska, Marta, Steen, John, Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Jaramillo, Felipe and Norris, Jon (2012). Brisbane City Digital Audit: Key findings from the Brisbane Digital Audit Brisbane Marketing. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Ernst and Young, Australia.
Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2012). Queensland business innovation report 2012. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: UQ Business School Commercial.
Steen, John, Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Pregelj, Lisette, Foster, Mishka and Cretchley, Julia (2012). Brisbane Innovation Scorecard 2012. Brisbane City Council and Brisbane Marketing Economic Development Board. Brisbane, Australia: Brisbane Marketing.
Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2011). Queensland innovation survey 2011. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: UQ Business School Commercial.
Newspaper Articles
Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Mention, Anne-Laure, Feast, George and Torres de Oliveira, Rui Pedro (2021, 06 08). To become an innovation nation, we really need to think smaller The Conversation
de Villiers Scheepers, Margarietha and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2020, 04 17). The new iPhone SE is the cheapest yet: smart move, or a premium tech brand losing its way? The Conversation
Harpur, Paul, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Pachana, Nancy (2018, 04 18). How fake assistance animal users are gaming the system and increasing prejudices. The Conversation
Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Voogt, Thea (2017, 02 16). After all the talk, what is the Turnbull government actually doing for small business? The Conversation