Dr Hasibul Chowdhury

Researcher biography
Dr Hasibul Chowdhury is a Senior Lecturer in Finance at the University of Queensland Business School. Dr Chowdhury holds BBA (Finance) and MBA (Banking) from the University of Dhaka, MBA (Finance) from Tulane University, and PhD (Finance) from the University of Queensland. In addition, he obtained the HEA fellowship (FHEA) from Advance HE, UK. His teaching philosophy is to ensure a high-quality learning environment in the classroom for the students by encouraging active learning methods so that students have clarity in their learning experiences.
Dr Chowdhury's research focuses on corporate finance and executives' labor market incentives. His research work has been published in the Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, European Accounting Review, Journal of Business Research, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, Global Finance Journal, Accounting and Finance, Australian Journal of Management, and Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance. He is an Associate Editor of the Accounting Research Journal (ARJ). He is an editorial board member of the Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting (JIFMA).