Dr Ken Tann
Senior Lecturer
School of Business
+61 7 334 68131

Researcher biography
Ken Tann is an in-house linguist at the UQ Business School. He specializes in applying linguistic and semiotic techniques to interdisciplinary research, and helps industry professionals add value to their professions through effective communication. His analytical framework has been applied across media, forensic, education and workplace contexts. He is currently supervising PhD research in marketing, finance and aged care.
Book Chapters
Tann, Ken (2024). Language in Corporate Annual Reports. Reference Module in Social Sciences. (pp. 1-1) Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/b978-0-323-95504-1.00323-9
Tann, Ken and Ayoko, Oluremi B. (2023). Communicating in space: relating the physical and the social in open-plan offices. Organizational semiotics: multimodal perspectives on organization studies. (pp. 122-142) edited by Louise Ravelli, Theo van Leeuwen, Markus A. Höllerer and Dennis Jancsary. New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003049920-6
Tann, Ken and Ayoko, Oluremi B. (2020). A social semiotic approach to the physical work environment. Organizational behaviour and the physical environment. (pp. 214-231) Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315167237-12
Tann, Ken (2017). Nihonjinron and the context of culture. Mapping genres, mapping culture: Japanese texts in context. (pp. 213-240) edited by Elizabeth A. Thomson, Motoki Sano and Helen de Silva Joyce. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi: 10.1075/pbns.281
Tann, Ken (2017). Context and meaning in the Sydney architecture of systemic functional linguistics. The Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. (pp. 438-456) edited by Tom Bartlett and Gerard O'Grady. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315413891
Farrell, Lesley and Tann, Ken (2016). Negotiating the Australian curriculum: exploring institutional policy through textual analysis. Language at work: analysing language use in work, education, medical and museum contexts. (pp. 87-107) edited by Helen de Silva Joyce. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Van Leeuwen, Theo, Tann, Ken and Benn, Suzanne (2016). The language of collaboration: NGOs and corporations working together. Language at work: analysing language use in work, education, medical and museum contexts. (pp. 45-66) edited by Helen de Silva Joyce. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Journal Articles
Manchha, Asmita V., Tann, Ken, Way, Kïrsten A. and Thai, Michael (2023). Reconceptualizing stigmas in aged care: a typology of stigmatizing discourses in the aged-care context. The Gerontologist, 63 (6), 1000-1011. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnac192
Forde-Leaves, Natalie, Walton, Jack and Tann, Ken (2023). A framework for understanding assessment practice in higher education. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 48 (8), 1076-1091. doi: 10.1080/02602938.2023.2169659
Manchha, Asmita V., Way, Kïrsten A., Thai, Michael and Tann, Ken (2023). “The Stigma is what you do”: Examining the relationship between occupational stigma and worker outcomes in the aged care context. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 42 (2), 221-230. doi: 10.1177/07334648221129849
Manchha, Asmita V., Way, Kïrsten A., Tann, Ken and Thai, Michael (2022). The social construction of stigma in aged-care work: implications for health professionals’ work intentions. The Gerontologist, 62 (7), 994-1005. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnac002
Manchha, Asmita V., Walker, Nicole, Way, Kïrsten A., Dawson, Danielle, Tann, Ken and Thai, Michael (2020). Deeply discrediting: a systematic review examining the conceptualizations and consequences of the stigma of working in aged care. The Gerontologist, 61 (4), e129-e146. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnaa166
Tann, Ken and Scott, Andrew (2020). Bridging disciplinary knowledge: the challenge of integrating EAP in business education. Higher Education, 81 (3), 453-470. doi: 10.1007/s10734-020-00551-0
Buchanan, June St Clair, Jones, Michael L. and Tann, Ken (2017). An Analysis of Media Representation of the Australian Electronic Gaming Machine Industry. Journal of Gambling Issues (36), 65-96. doi: 10.4309/jgi.2017.36.4
Tann, Ken (2012). The language of identity discourse: introducing a systemic functional framework for iconography. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 8 (3), 361-391. doi: 10.1558/lhs.v8i3.361
Conference Papers
Manchha, Asmita, Way, Kirsten, Tann, Ken and Thai, Michael (2023). Planning for the Aged Care Workforce of the Future- Implications of Stigma on Health Professionals’ Intentions to Work in Aged Care. Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine Annual Meeting, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 10-12 May 2023.
Kromah, Momo, Ayoko, Oluremi, Tann, Ken and Vyas, Dhaval (2022). Onboarding, learning transfer and job performance in hybrid work environments. 35th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, Gold Coast, QLD Australia, 5-7 December 2022.
Manchha, A., Tann, K., Way, K. and Thai, M. (2022). Choosing to challenge occupational stigma: implications for workers’ mental health. 35th ANZAM Conference, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 5-7 December 2022. Gold Coast, QLD Australia:
Manchha, Asmita, Way, Kirsten, Tann, Ken and Thai, Michael (2022). Understanding stigma in the context of working in aged care.. National Conference of Emerging Researchers in Ageing, Online, 10 November 2022.
Manchha, Asmita, Way, Kirsten, Tann, Ken and Thai, Michael (2022). Understanding internalised stigma in aged care workers: negative psychological and job outcomes. Australian Association of Gerontology conference, Adelaide, SA Australia, November 2022.
Manchha, Asmita, Tann, Ken, Way, Kirsten and Thai, Michael (2022). Stigmatising discourses in the context of the Australian Royal Commission into Aged Care. Australian Association of Gerontology conference, Online, November 2022.
Manchha, A. V., Tann, K., Way, K. A. and Thai, M. (2022). Discursive responses to countering stigmatizing discourses about aged care and worker outcomes. EGOS Colloquium, Vienna, Austria, 7-9 July 2022. Vienna, Austria:
Manchha, Asmita, Tann, Ken, Way, Kirsten and Thai, Michael (2021). Understanding stigmatising discourses in aged care: applying linguistics to the Australian Royal Commission into Aged Care. Australian Systematic Functional Linguistics Association, Brisbane, QLD Australia, September 2021.
Manchha, Asmita, Way, Kirsten, Tann, Ken and Thai, Michael (2021). Social construction of the stigma of working in aged care in the context of COVID-19: implications for health professionals’ work intentions. European Group for Organizational Studies, Online, July 2021.
Manchha, Asmita, Walker, Nicole, Way, Kirsten, Tann, Ken, Thai, Michael and Dissanayaka, Nadeeka (2020). So you work in aged care…‘oh’ An exploratory study of social evaluations and the stigmatization of aged care workers. European Group for Organizational Studies, Online, 2-4 July 2020.
Tann, K. and Ayoko, O.B (2018). Communicating in space: A discourse analysis of open plan offices. 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic, 24-28 May, 2018.