Dr Natalie Peng
Lecturer in Accounting
School of Business
+61 7 334 68061
Room 427, Colin Clark Building (39), St. Lucia Campus

Researcher biography
Dr Natalie Peng is a lecturer in Accounting at the UQ Business School.
Natalie has taught both financial and management accounting courses at UQ.
Her research interests include superannuation, the production, dissemination and interpretation of information in the financial market, disclosure regulation, and cognitive bias in decision-making and its consequences.
Journal Articles
Peng, Xiaowen, Alpert, Karen and Hsu, Grace Chia-Man (2020). Switching between superannuation funds: Does performance and marketing matter?. Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 63 101431, 101431. doi: 10.1016/j.pacfin.2020.101431
Hoang, Khoa, Cannavan, Damien, Huang, Ronghong and Peng, Xiaowen (2020). Predicting stock returns with implied cost of capital: a partial least squares approach. Journal of Financial Markets, 53 100576, 100576. doi: 10.1016/j.finmar.2020.100576
Peng, Xiaowen (2017). Information cost and member choice in the Australian superannuation industry. PhD Thesis, UQ Business School, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2017.1044
Newspaper Articles
Peng, Natalie (2024, 11 14). ASIC’s lawsuit against Cbus has put the big super funds on notice The Conversation
Peng, Natalie, Webster, Simon and Power, Kelly (2024, 10 04). Super and the gender gap: closing the retirement savings divide The Sydney Morning Herald
Peng, Natalie (2024, 09 13). The Friday Fight. No, we shouldn't abolish superannuation - we should fix it! Crikey
Peng, Natalie (2024, 05 14). EXPERT REACTION: Federal Budget 2024-2025 The Australian Science Media Centre (AusSMC)
Wilkins, Britt and Peng, Natalie (2024, 02 01). From the gender gap to greenwashing, what’s your super up to? Contact
Peng, Natalie (2023, 05 09). EXPERT REACTION: Federal Budget 2023-2024 The Australian Science Media Centre (AusSMC)
Peng, Natalie (2022, 08 26). How do I find out what my superannuation fund invests in? A finance expert explains The Conversation
Peng, Natalie (2020, 06 24). Be super savvy: avoid the early withdrawal traps Contact Magazine
Audio Documents
Chen, Lucy (Presenter) and Peng, Natalie (Guest) (2024). 提前提取退休公积金的利弊. SBS Mandarin Radio.
Chen, Lucy (Presenter) and Peng, Natalie (Guest) (2024). 退休公积金代理投票和我们的利益相关吗. SBS Mandarin Radio.
Chen, Lucy (Presenter) and Peng, Natalie (Guest) (2024). 用脚投票有助于更好管理自己的退休公积金 . SBS Mandarin Radio.
Chen, Lucy (Presenter) and Peng, Natalie (Guest) (2024). 夫妻共同规划退休公积金的利与弊. SBS Mandarin Radio.
Liu, Jason (Presenter) and Peng, Natalie (Guest) (2024). 非英语背景民众的退休金储蓄低很多 如何提高?. SBS Mandarin Radio.
Chen, Lucy (Presenter) and Peng, Natalie (Guest) (2024). 养老金:你的投资是否面临风险. SBS Mandarin Radio.