Associate Professor Jacquelyn Humphrey

Researcher biography
Jacquelyn is an Associate Professor in finance and is the finance discipline convenor.
Jacquelyn's research expertise is in sustainable finance/responsible investment i.e., how environmental, social and governance factors impact on investment decision-making for investors and corporations. She also has an active interdisciplinary research agenda in sustainability more broadly and a research interest in funds management.
Jacquelyn has published in well-regarded international finance journals including Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance and Journal of Business Ethics, as well as in journals outside of finance including Nature Climate Change, Global Environmental Change and Journal of Cleaner Production.She has been the recipient of AFAANZ research grants and numerous internal grants. She was a Vice President of the Financial Research Network, where she oversaw a program of career development for academic women in finance. Jacquelyn has received a BEL Faculty Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning or Experience - Commendation award and a UQ Business School Dean's award for Impactful Leadership.
Jacquelyn's research is of great interest to the wider financial community, both in Australia and internationally. Her research has been cited by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative, the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global, the Cooper review, KPMG and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Jacquelyn has had numerous international invitations to speak about environmental, social and governance research and has also led a number of contract research projects for the finance industry. She has written practitioner articles that have appeared in Ethical Investor and Portfolio Construction as well as two textbook chapters.