Associate Professor Dongming Xu

Researcher biography
Dongming Xu is Associate Professor in Business Information Systems at the UQ Business School. She holds a PhD from the City University of Hong Kong in Information systems.
Dr Xu's research focuses on the confluence of information technology use and information technology innovation to reach a deep understanding of how information systems are used and how information systems influence the society. In recent years, she primarily works on IT entrepreneurship that focuses on the understanding of hi-tech start-ups development and the relationship between IT innovation and business performance. In the meantime, she has been working in the area of social media use in business, such as, disaster management, eFinance, eHealth. Thus research interests lay in the areas of message transmission, information quality control, and decision making infrastructure etc.
The other research interests include decision making and business intelligence on a variety of contexts, such as theoretical foundations, applications, and technologies, such as intelligent agents, data mining, etc. In particular, she is working on eFianance applications, web-server-agent-based family wealth management systems, decision support systems for securities exception management, knowledge management systems and disaster management systems. Her research usually combines theoretical model building, laboratory and field experiments and the development of prototype systems.
Dongming's previous research outputs have been published in more than 100 top tier journals and conference proceedings, such as IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Information and Management, Decision Support Systems, and the Expert Systems with Applications, International Conference on Information Systems, etc. Dr. Xu as a Chief-Investigator or a Co-Investigator received multiple grants from different research agencies, such as, Hong Kong Government Research Grant Council, The National Natural Science Foundation of China, The University of Queensland, City University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (China) State Research Council.
Currently, she is an Associate Editor with Information & Management, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, among others.