Professor Martin Edwards

Researcher biography
Martin R. Edwards is a Professor in Management in the UQ Business School, and is a Deputy Head of the Business School, head of the Management, International Business, Strategy and Entrepreneurship portfolio.
Prior to joining UQ in 2019 he was a Reader in HRM and Organisational Psychology at King's College London
Martin has a background in organisational psychology, HRM and industrial relations. He holds degrees in Social Psychology (BSc) from the University of Kent at Canterbury, Industrial Relations and Personnel Management (MSc) from the London School of Economics and a PhD in Organisational Psychology from King's College London. Before starting his academic career Martin worked for a number of years as an HR consultant in London.
Martin's academic interests include HR Analytics, people analytics, researching organisational identification, employee-organisational linkages, social and multiple identities in organisations, the role of employee and employer branding in organisations, employee responses to mergers and acquisitions as well as employer responses to judgments of their employer's CSR credentials. He has published in numerous international journals including the Human Resource Management Journal, Human Relations, the Human Resource Management Journal, International Journal of Management reviews, Economic and Social Democracy, European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology, Personnel Review. Martin is an Associate Editor and Editor of Special Issues, Provocations and Reviews for the Human Resource Management Journal.