Dr Jie Wang

Researcher biography
Associate Professor Jie Wang completed a PhD in the field of crisis management at the University of Queensland. Her research interests are associated with risk, crisis and disaster management in tourism and hospitality. Her research focuses on how humans perceive and act in relation to risk, crisis and disaster, with the aim of understanding how behaviour changes can improve the resilience of people, organisations and tourism destinations.
Her research on enhancing crisis preparedness won the Outstanding Doctoral Research Award from the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) and Emerald Publishing. Dr Wang has also received Early Career Researcher Excellence Award (in Research) from UQ Business School in 2019. She works across disciplinary boundaries including management, strategy, psychology, economics and medicine. She also works with international collaborators from North America, Europe and Asia. She has received an Australian Government grant in 2021 to establish the 'Australia-Indonesia Business Resilience Hub' focusing on tourism thriving and capability building.
Dr Wang has been actively involved in a number of teaching and learning innovation projects. In 2019, she received a Commendation for UQ Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning from the University of Queensland. In 2018, she received Excellence in Education Award for Enhancing Employability from UQ Faculty of Business, Economics & Law. In 2023, she has been shortlisted for UQ Awards for Excellence in Graduate Research Training, and received a UQ BEL Excellence Award in 'Research for HDR Supervision'.