Associate Professor Jay Weerawardena

Researcher biography
Associate Professor Jay Weerawardena is a leading researcher in Strategic Marketing and social Impact Research. His core theoretical foundation is the role of dynamic capabilities in innovation-based competitive strategy. Jay has expanded his research into related areas of international marketing strategy and social sector research. In social sector research, he has extensively published in social entrepreneurship, social innovation, and social value creation. In addition to his impactful papers in reputed journals, Jay has won ARC Discovery grants, edited special issues, represented his core research expertise in editorial boards of reputed journals, delivered keynote and plenary presentations, led special topic sessions, and taken leadership roles in reputed international conferences.
Jay has co-edited several special issues of internally reputed journals which include the Journal of Business Research (ABDC A) (2021) on 'business model innovation in social purpose organizations', Industrial Marketing Management Journal (A*) on 'capabilities, innovation and competitive advantage' (2011), Journal of World Business (A*) (2007) on 'accelerated internationalization of born global firms' and the International Journal of Non-profit and Voluntary Sector Marketing on 'non-profit competitive strategy' (2008).
Jay has actively collaborated with internationally reputed scholars that had led to higher-ranked publications and competitive grant success. His current work involves examining the role of big data and marketing analytics role firm competitive strategy and how social purpose organizations balance social mission and commercial value in their effort to build financially viable social purpose organizations. While the former is fuelled by the exponential growth of the digital economy the latter has attracted the increased scholar attention due to its pivotal importance for the sustenance of social purpose organizations.
Jay serves in several editorial boards of reputed international journals including the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship of which he is an Associate Editor. He is a fellow of the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) and a Certified Marketing Practitioner of the AMI.
Current service roles
Elected member of the UQ Academic Board and its Assessment Sub-Committee (ASC)
Co-lead, UQBS Research Hub on Social Impact and Social Enterprises
Current research interests
(1) Social entrepreneurship and social innovation-led dual value creation
(2) Non-profit brand vulnerability and building resilient non-profit brands
(3) Business model innovation in social purpose organizations
(3) Big data and marketing analytics capabilities in digital innovation and firm competitive strategy
(4) Value co-creation in digital services context