People Over Protocol: Combatting Organisational Complexity | MBA webinar
Organisations, in particular large organisations, often have excessive processes surrounding policy, initiatives, and routines. In partnership with so many units and functions, these processes result in destructive complexities, unnecessary work and an abundance of menial tasks which have no real positive impact. As a result, employees are becoming frustrated and cynical, and the need for anti-stupidity work is paramount.
The MBA Careers and Professional Development Team invite you to join guest lecturer, Professor Mats Alvesson at our People Over Protocol: Combatting Organisational Complexity webinar on Wednesday 21 June, 5–6pm AEST. In this session, Mats will address the origin of the problem and how individuals, groups and workplaces can facilitate critical reflection and open communication to combat organisational complexity. The webinar will equip you with the tools to make your organisation more rational and meaningful - or at least less irrational and frustrating.
Guest Speaker
Professor Mats Alvesson
Mats Alvesson is a professor of Organisational Studies at Lund University, Sweden. He is known for having made significant contributions to the field of critical management studies with a focus on leadership, functional stupidity in organisations and experiences of bureaucracy and managerial work in universities. Mats’ research interests include critical theory, gender, power, management of professional service (knowledge intensive) organisations, leadership, identity, organisational image, organisational culture and symbolism, qualitative methods and philosophy of science.
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