Student, parent and guide walking through an arch in the UQ Great Court

We can't wait to welcome you to Open Day at UQ's St Lucia campus in Brisbane. Explore your interests and study options, immerse yourself in university life and get answers to all your questions.

Register now

What to expect

icon of a shovel digging in the dirtDiscover

Attend sessions to uncover your study area of interest and find out more about the degrees we offer. 

icon of a finger touching a phone screenExplore

Get the most out of your day and navigate our beautiful, world-class campus by downloading the UQ Open Day app from your app store.

icon of a plant growing out of a beakerPlay

Enter a competition, grab some freebies, listen to live music, get hands-on in a workshop or come on a tour. 

icon of  a graph on a microscopeLearn

Get to know UQ. Ask current students and teachers all your questions and find out about student life. 

St Lucia Open Day Program

Discover what’s in store for St Lucia Open Day. View the timetable and see the information sessions, tours and exciting activities happening around campus.

Download the St Lucia Open Day Program

About Business School Events

The Business School proudly hosts a range of events throughout the year for prospective, current or past students, members of the public or industry professionals. 

Other upcoming sessions