To contribute to a more resilient and desirable future, the University of Queensland's Business School is organising a special event as part of UQ Sustainability Week. It combines the screening of the action-oriented and award-winning documentary Once You Know followed by a discussion panel moderated by Professor Daniel Nyberg, UQ Business School's PRME Director. Panellists are Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg (marine biology), Associate Professor Matt McDonald (political science), Associate Professor Fiona Charlson (public health) and Dr Saphira Rekker (climate finance).

The film offers a unique perspective, both personal and universal. It explores the climate and energy crisis in a way that helps people and communities find their own road towards greater resilience. It features four experts:

  • Dr Saleemul Huq, IPCC adaptation expert and climate negotiation advisor, and Senior Associate Climate Change at the International Institute for Environment and Development 
  • Dr Susanne Moser, IPCC climate resilience and communication expert, and Senior Advisor at the International Science Council 
  • Richard Heinberg, Senior Fellow, Post-Carbon Institute 
  • Jean-Marc Jancovici, energy and climate expert, and Director of think tank Carbone4 

The screening and panel discussion will be followed by an opportunity to have conversations with your peers around drinks and nibbles.

Space is limited.

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About Business School Events

The Business School proudly hosts a range of events throughout the year, independently, in conjunction with The University of Queensland, and with our industry partners. Our events may appeal to audiences of prospective, current or past students, members of the public or industry professionals. 


Sir Llew Edwards Building, The University of Queensland Saint Lucia, QLD 4072
Level 6 Terrace Room

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