We invite our incoming MBA students to join the February Orientation on Saturday 10 February 2024 from 8am–4pm.

The dress code is business professional.

The day will offer opportunities to meet members of your cohort and the Business School's supportive team.

Program               Speaker               Enrol               MBA Socials





Coffee & Tea on arrival

Registration including professional photos


Deputy Directors Welcome


Morning Tea


Personal Productivity Tools for the Prepared MBA


Admissions Teams – Tips & Tricks


Student Clubs Meet and Greet




Career and Professional Development Session


Alumni Panel Q&A: Debunking MBA Myths


Orientation Welcome Drinks

About Our Speaker

Micheal Axelsen

Senior Lecturer
UQ Business School

Michael AxelsenMicheal holds the position of Senior Lecturer (Business Information Systems) in the UQ Business School, University of Queensland (UQ), and acts in the role of Deputy Director Teaching & Learning (Commerce Suite of Programs) for the UQ Business School.

Micheal is an experienced IS professional and accountant (FCPA of CPA Australia) with fifteen years’ experience in the area of IS consulting. This experience and career includes the evaluation of IS projects, IS audit and IT management and governance. Micheal’s published research is in the areas of the use of intelligent decision aids, Information Systems (IS) audit, and Information Technology (IT) governance. Prior to receiving his PhD, Micheal chaired the IT & Management Centre of Excellence for CPA Australia. Professionally, Micheal is a Fellow of CPA Australia and a member of the Australian Computer Society, ISACA, the Association for Information Systems, and the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand.

At this event, Micheal will be sharing his thoughts on personal productivity tools for the prepared MBA.


Before classes begin, please enrol into courses via mySI-net.

To assist you with this, please download the MBA timetable available through the MBA Orientation Invite email.

For tips and instructional videos to help you enrol and navigate your timetable, visit Starting at UQ - Enrol.

MBA Social Community

There are several ways to stay engaged and updated on the latest trends, student news, and events.

Join the MBA LinkedIn Group and follow the UQ Business School on social media today. 


About MBA Events

Our MBA events complement the learning experience within the MBA program providing our students with access to employability events, guest speakers, industry events and networking opportunities. 


Room 227
UQ Brisbane City
88 Creek Street
Brisbane, Queensland 4000