Join us for the first MBA Careers and Professional Development day of the year. This event will include two workshops where you will learn how to position yourself for career success and how your brain could be getting in the way, as well as finding purpose in your career.

Please ensure you register before Monday 3 February.

7am Registration and light breakfast
7.30am SHoTs with Di Harner (Subconscious Habits of Thought)
9.30am Break
10am Purposeful careers with Danielle Duell
12pm Workshop concludes

Workshop 1:
Discover how your brain might get in the way of you achieving success - Facilitated by Dr Diane Harner 

Neuroscience is one of the hottest topics in business at the moment. People are becoming increasingly curious about what drives their thoughts and behaviour in order to enhance their own success and that of their team. Diane is a neuroscientist who has 12 years’ experience in the corporate environment and has engineered her own success by understanding what makes people tick, including herself. Every single one of us has developed subconscious habits of thought (SHoTs) that determine our automatic responses to situations, people and environments. Whilst our brain is trying to be helpful and efficient by generating these automatic responses, sometimes they can get in the way of either setting, pursuing or achieving our goals. 

In this session, you will: 

  • Participate in a diagnostic assessment and receive insight into your primary subconscious habits of thought (pre-work) 
  • Understand why the brain manufactures automatic responses or habits 
  • Learn about the eight common Subconscious Habits of Thought (SHoTs) that can impact on our success 
  • Discover how to be more aware when automatic thinking is getting in your way 
  • Develop strategies to overcome these automatic responses 

Workshop 2:
Becoming a purposeful leader: Paradigms for enduring impact and success - Facilitated by Danielle Duell

The concept of PURPOSE is creating one of the biggest shifts in business thinking in our generation. Business leaders across the globe are beginning to understand that organisations need to make the shift from being profit maximisers to value maximisers. This requires intentions and actions that create value for all stakeholders, not just shareholders.

Leading in this context requires fundamental change in the paradigms with which leaders view their world. Danielle Duell is a purpose-led strategist dedicated to equipping businesses to improve the world with purpose-led strategies and purposeful leadership.

In this session, you will:

  • Learn about the importance of Purposeful Leadership in creating sustainably successful organisations
  • Discover what differentiates Purposeful Leaders from others
  • Participate in a group activity to critically evaluate how purposeful some well-known leaders of our time are
  • Evaluate yourself against the five key dimensions of purposeful leaders
  • Identify your Purposeful Leadership strengths
  • Develop strategies to improve your Purposeful Leadership capabilities and impact


About MBA Events

Our MBA events complement the learning experience within the MBA program providing our students with access to employability events, guest speakers, industry events and networking opportunities. 


UQ Brisbane City, 293 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD 4300