Over two days in July, the MBA Careers and Professional Development Team welcome our MBA Community to attend exclusive sessions with actively recruiting employers. 

Kicking off on on Tuesday 14 July 2020, we welcome two employers who will discuss their upcoming opportunities: CAE Inc. & RSL Queensland. Read more.

The MBA Employer Showcase will then return on Thursday 23 July for a session with Accenture. Accenture is a consultancy that delivers end-to-end services that transform, digitise, power, run and secure innovative solutions.

Accenture will deliver us an insightful presentation: Minnow to Mammoth: a multi-lens perspective on the journey of a niche, Australian-owned and operated SME, being acquired by a global technology powerhouse.

This session will be exclusively available as a webinar. Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity to address Q&A from our community.

About MBA Events

Our MBA events complement the learning experience within the MBA program providing our students with access to employability events, guest speakers, industry events and networking opportunities. 


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Room 220, UQ Centre (27A), The University of Queensland, St Lucia QLD 4072