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  • In business and in war, prolonged stress can be a killer. New research amongst Special Forces troops shows how emotional intelligence training can build resilience.
  • Research has revealed the different approaches that managers use to deal with diversity in real life work situations – but which is the most effective?
  • Why are so many of us willing to let a stranger sleep in our bed? New research suggests that money is not the only motivation.
  • A better understanding of culture can help Australia’s entry into the Asian market. But how can we find better ways to train managers to build insights and cultural knowledge?
  • Which of the most popular slogans are most persuasive to customers – and what do they really say about your product?
  • The movie The Big Short focuses on the events leading up to the financial crisis. However, according to Professor Anne Wyatt and Professor Peter Wells, the root of the problem lay in US policies introduced decades before.
  • Concerns over missed social opportunities can be a major driver for Millennials, as the travel industry has discovered.
  • Boards are not just for big companies – the knowledge and contacts that experienced board members bring can help small companies to fast track their growth.
  • Confronting problem behaviour is part of a manager’s role. Leadership expert Dr Polly Parker explains how to use ‘challenging conversations’ to resolve conflict and bring about change.
