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  • Boards are not just for big companies – the knowledge and contacts that experienced board members bring can help small companies to fast track their growth.
  • As consumers become more sophisticated, tourism and leisure businesses are no longer simply providing a service but selling an experience. Now research is casting new light on what tourists really want and how to design experiences to meet their expectations.
  • Renowned business mentor John Bittleston has had a 60-year career in business. In the first of two interviews with Momentum, he recalls how he found his first mentor at the age of 13 when a ploughman taught him how to create a straight furrow across a field by fixing his eyes on a tree at the other end. He discusses his own approach to mentoring and the importance of helping people to find their own ‘tree’.
  • Team building can be challenging if the members are thousands of miles apart. However research has indicated ways to help virtual teams manage conflicts and become high performers.
  • Big data is the ability to capture and mine data to advance knowledge, predict behaviour and to engage public health and spending issues. And there’s a whole heap of other uses for big data that haven’t been discovered yet. What is big data?
  • What do businesses that grow fast have in common? If we knew that, we could bottle it.
  • We clock up 189 million hours of online video each year in Australia. Business and corporate videos are the second most popular content category, after entertainment. Do you know where to look for the latest and greatest online business video insights?
  • Ask a management consultant a question and what are you likely to get? A bill. Is the management consultancy industry listening to its own (often expensive) advice and becoming agile, innovative and customer focussed in the face of uncertainty and rapid change?
  • Consider the emerging business trends and think forward. What new skills in information management, healthcare and innovation will take the businesses of 2020 and beyond towards a prosperous future?
