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- 9 November 2021Not so long ago, businesses were defined by whether they offered a product or a service. Now, businesses that exclusively align themselves with one or the other risk falling behind.
- 9 November 2021From building trust to changing careers and managing wellbeing. Let’s face it: the end of the year is fast approaching. These suggestions will make you think about the big issues as you set your goals and plan for 2022.
- 9 November 2021It’s been another challenging year with COVID-19 outbreaks, and the consequent restrictions turning even the best-laid plans upside down. It’s one thing to have this affect our personal lives, but how can employers hope to fairly assess employee performance during such uncertainty?
- 9 November 2021In the last 12 months, leaders have faced a melting pot of pressure. Pressure to perfect our ‘pivot’ game, which turned into a constant pirouette to survive disruption; pressure to manage teams remotely; and pressure to hit constantly moving targets while reprioritising goals.
- 7 September 2021Top female board members of ASX companies share gender parity insights and top tips for landing a board role.
- 7 September 2021We asked 4 successful board members from ASX, not-for-profit, technology, marketing, sporting, defence and tourism companies to share their best boardroom communication strategies gained from personal experience to help you get your idea across the line.
- 7 September 2021In a world of finite natural resources, unchecked economic growth is simply unsustainable. Researchers from UQ Business School and KPMG identify how organisations can thrive in a world with a fixed ecological budget.
- 6 July 2021Change creates demand for new products and services as well as opportunities to use resources in new ways. Understanding how different changes will affect your business and what to do about it is crucial to not only surviving but benefiting from that change.
- 6 July 2021Top experts from UQ Business School’s Research Hubs take a futuristic focus to identify how key AI trends and current research can help predict what the world might look like from 2030 to 2050.
- 3 October 2016Research has revealed the different approaches that managers use to deal with diversity in real life work situations – but which is the most effective?
- 1 January 2016Should advertisers use different positioning messages to promote the same product to different audiences? And if so, could there be a backlash if one group sees an advert targeted at another? New research has cast light on this marketing dilemma.
- 1 January 2016Managers trying to encourage their team to ‘do more with less’ sometimes overstep the mark. But when do high-pressure demands turn into abuse – and why do staff differ so markedly in their reactions to it? And how can managers trying to improve performance avoid being seen as bullies?
- 1 January 2016Confronting problem behaviour is part of a manager’s role. Leadership expert Dr Polly Parker explains how to use ‘challenging conversations’ to resolve conflict and bring about change.
- 1 January 2016A new report which reveals the reasons for the fall in mining productivity holds some valuable insights for other sectors.
- 1 January 2016Low pay is no longer just a problem for the poor – it can have a damaging effect on business and the economy too, according to a leading economist.
- 1 January 2016Some things don’t change – including human nature and the basic principles of business. These ten best sellers have a timeless appeal and are recommended reading for managers at all levels.
- 1 January 2016New research suggests that Australia’s controversial law to curb excessive executive pay has met with some success – but at a price.
- 1 January 2016Managers often dismiss the role of feelings but research suggests they should pay attention to the emotional climate at work and choose staff with emotional intelligence. Here are eight ways to create an emotionally healthy organisation.