The MBA Careers and Professional Development Team welcomes our MBA community to an online fireside chat on Careers in Venture Capital. 

Both of our speakers have moved into the VC world in different ways. An Vo has a background and qualifications in the legal profession which lead him to build his own startup and exiting before moving into Ten13. Ten13 is a syndicated investment platform that lets sophisticated investors co-invest with Transition Level Investments, the family office of Steve Baxter. You might be familiar with the little investment Transition Level Investments made a few years ago, Go1, now Queensland’s first ‘’Unicorn’.

Casey Flint has had a background working for Uber during its early stage growth in Brisbane before moving into the VC world at SquarePeg. Square Peg is a VC with the purpose to empower exceptional founders. The global team invests in technology startups across Australia, Israel and Southeast Asia with a focus on series A and B and has invested in the likes of Canva and Air Wallex. Square Peg has four funds with over $1 billion under management.

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