If you have been considering a career transition to a start-up, you may have come across the term ‘ESOP’, or Employee Share Options/Ownership Plan. Knowing what these are (and its benefits and pitfalls) is essential in your decision-making process to love or leave an opportunity in a start-up.

Designed by the MBA Careers and Professional Development Team, this exclusive online seminar will feature two expert guest speakers, Tim Hui and Marc Orchard

Tim's experience in venture capital has seen him working across creative industries through to agtech. He is a founding Partner of Mandalay Venture Partners, an Australian agrifood tech venture capital fund, and Principal at Innovation Architects, an innovation consultancy. Tim is also a Senior Manager at BDO for Start-ups - often introduced as the ‘venture investor-in-residence.’

Marc began his career as an accountant and had experience running his own business and building communities. He moved into the start-up space becoming GM of Fishburners, then Head of Start-ups at BDO. Recently, Marc has moved into scaling Brisbane-based crypto start-up Swyftx as Head of Venture and Talent Programs.  

Whether you are an employee interested in a career transition to start-ups, or looking at building ESOP’s in your own start-up, hear industry tips and hints from our expert guests who, between them, have over 15 years of experience in start-ups from early stages to scaling.

About MBA Events

Our MBA events complement the learning experience within the MBA program providing our students with access to employability events, guest speakers, industry events and networking opportunities. 


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