Registrations for the June - August Test Your Big Idea program registrations have now closed. To register your interest and receive information about the next program dates, please submit an EOI. If you have any questions please email the MBA Careers and Professional Development Team.

Have you got a big untested idea? Curious about how to test it and yourself?

UQ Business School's Nicole Hartley, Tim Kastelle and Cameron Turner have worked together to produce and launch a new FREE online course, Test Your Big Idea to assist MBA students and alumni to test and validate their corporate innovation, social enterprise and startup ideas under the guidance of our top MBA entrepreneurship and innovation experts lead by Cameron Turner.

Who is it for? 

Test Your Big Idea is coordinated by the UQ Business School and leverages expertise across academic and professional staff to deliver a 6 week free online course with a mix of on demand and live sessions. MBA students and alumni are encouraged to work on an existing idea or develop an idea through the program. The on demand, live sessions and accountability coaches will ensure participants are moving forward week to week and are well placed to understand the pathology of the problem they are solving, the tools to test their idea and to ultimately ‘launch or let go’.

The program commences on 22 June with a chance to meet your online cohort. The full program runs from 29 June to 7 August.

About MBA Events

Our MBA events complement the learning experience within the MBA program providing our students with access to employability events, guest speakers, industry events and networking opportunities.