Professor Sabine Matook

Researcher biography
Dr. Sabine Matook is a Professor in Information Systems at the UQ Business School, University of Queensland. She received her doctoral degree from the Technische Universität (TU) Dresden, Germany.
Sabine's research interests focus on the creation, adoption, and use, and consequences of effective use of IT artifacts in the two areas of information systems development (ISD) and social media. Within the context of ISD, she seeks to understand why and how the behaviors of teams and individuals dynamically shape the design and development of the IT artifact, including technology-mediated teams (including human-AI hybrids). Her interests also motivate the work on affordances and influences of social IT artifacts (e.g., social media) on and by users in the real and the virtual world.
In 2022, Sabine was recognized for her excellence in publications with the UQ Business School Research Award.
Sabine is a Senior Research Fellow with the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society - The German Internet Institute. She has also held visiting positions at the University of Arizona (Eller College of Management), Georgia State University (Robinson College of Business), the University of Louisville, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (Austria), and the University of La Serena (Chile).
Her research is funded by Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project (single CI) Grants in the fields of Sabine's expertise, especially information systems development and social media.
Sabine's 2023 ICIS paper, coauthored with Nadia Bello Rinaudo and Alan Dennis, about "AI Algorithms and Time Experience in Social Media: Explaining Discontinued Use" received the Best-Paper Runner's up award (selected from more than 200 accepted short papers).
Dr. Matook's work has appeared in MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, the Journal of Strategic Information Systems, the International Journal of Operations & Production Management, the Journal of Business Research, Decision Support Systems, and the Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems. Over the years, Sabine Matook has presented numerous research papers at international conferences, including the ICIS, ECIS, and PACIS.
Teaching and Learning
Sabine Matook is a passionate educator and a champion for work-integrated learning in higher education. She received the 2022 UQ Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning and the 2021 Teaching Excellence Award of the UQ Faculty BEL on "Enhancing Employability". She was also awarded the 2021 UQ Business School Award for "Innovation in Large Courses". In February 2024, Sabine was recognised by the 2023 Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) with a Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning for "For innovatively designing a digital work-integrated learning partnership approach that enhances students' employability in Business Information Systems while inspiring them to 'give-back' to community organisations."
She is a Senior Fellow of Advance HE -- which indicates an advanced level of professional standing regarding her expertise in teaching and learning in higher education. In 2022, Sabine was appointed to the HEA@UQ Review Panel as an Assessor.
Sabine Matook produced in 2023 a train-the-trainer workshop for low-code development for the AIS Digital Academy.
Sabine also engages in the scholarship of teaching with a focus on digital employability through citizen development. Her work is currently under review in high-quality academic journals, whereas Sabine published initial findings at the 2021 Australasian Conference on Information Systems and, in 2024, at the Journal of Information Technology.
An opinion piece at The Conversation about "How work-integrated learning helps to make billions in uni funding worth it" and an article in the Campus Section of the Times Higher Education about "Helping students to see the future career value of their work-integrated learning" reached a large readership and influenced the practices of educators in Australia and internationally.
Sabine Matook received the 2021 AIS Technology ATLAS Award. This award is given to those individuals who have made the most significant contributions toward the intellectual infrastructure of the Association for Information Systems (AIS). In 2022, Sabine was awarded the AIS Vision Award to recognize her contributions to the vision of the Association for Information Systems.
She is an Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly (MISQ), a Senior Editor for the European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) and for the journal AIS Transactions on Replication Research (TRR), a member of the editorial review board for Information System Research, and has been an Associate Editor for Information Systems Journal (ISJ).
Sabine Matook is the AIS Council Secretary for The Association for Information Systems (Sep 2021- 2025).
In 2019, Dr. Matook served on the Expert Panel 'Information Systems' that reviewed the 2019 Australian Business Deans Council Journal Quality List, and in 2022, she served on the Expert Panel that reviewed the 2020 journal ranking list of the Australian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems (ACPHIS)
Sabine Matook was the program chair for the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) in 2022 and 2021 and 2019. In addition, she served repeatedly as track chair for the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) [2023, 2029, 2015], the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) [2024,2020], Pacific-Asian Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) in [2024, 2022, 2020], and the Australasian Conference on Information Systems [2018, 2019].