Associate Professor Stuart Middleton
Associate Professor
School of Business
+61 7 344 31225
Room 636, Sir Llew Edwards Building (14), St. Lucia Campus

Researcher biography
Dr Stuart Middleton is a scholar in the field of management education. He is interested in topics related to the evolution of the management education field, storytelling in teaching, and philosophical approaches to management education. His work has been published in leading management education journals such as Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Management Education, and Management Teaching Review. He is an Associate Editor at Journal of Management Education, as well as Academy of Management Learning and Education. He has been awarded the Management and Organization Behavior Teaching Society's Distinguished Mid-Career Educational Leader for 2023.
Middleton, Stuart (2024). Advancing the future of management education research. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781035301638
Journal Articles
Middleton, Stuart and Alday, Sandra (2023). Learning to not teach. Journal of Management Education, 47 (6), 566-571. doi: 10.1177/10525629231193094
Middleton, Stuart, Fukami, Cindi and Bilimoria, Diana (2023). 50 Years of JME: Then, Now, Next. Journal of Management Education, 47 (4), 442-446. doi: 10.1177/10525629231170257
Middleton, Stuart (2022). For you? Using TikTok® to teach key content. Management Teaching Review, 7 (3), 226-235. doi: 10.1177/23792981221096871
Huang, Peisheng, Wright, April L. and Middleton, Stuart (2022). How Material Objects Shape Student Team Learning Processes. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 21 (1), 35-60. doi: 10.5465/amle.2020.0025
Williams, Grace, Irving, Gemma, Wright, April L. and Middleton, Stuart (2020). Managing job‐related diversity processes in high‐reliability teams in the emergency department. British Journal of Management, 2020 (1) 1467-8551.12450, 20366-518. doi: 10.1111/1467-8551.12450
Middleton, Stuart, Irving, Gemma L. and Wright, April L. (2020). Institutional power and organizational space: how space constrains micro-level action in the emergency department. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 68, 49-65. doi: 10.1108/S0733-558X20200000068003
Wright, April L., Middleton, Stuart, Hibbert, Paul and Brazil, Victoria (2018). Getting on with field research using participant deconstruction. Organizational Research Methods, 23 (2), 275-295. doi: 10.1177/1094428118782589
Wright, April L., Middleton, Stuart, Greenfield, Geoffrey, Williams, Julian and Brazil, Victoria (2016). Strategies for teaching evidence-based management: what management educators can learn from medicine. Journal of Management Education, 40 (2), 194-219. doi: 10.1177/1052562915624123
Wright, April L., Zammuto, Raymond J., Liesch, Peter W., Middleton, Stuart, Hibbert, Paul, Burke, John and Brazil, Victoria (2016). Evidence-based management in practice: opening up the decision process, decision-maker and context. British Journal of Management, 27 (1), 161-178. doi: 10.1111/1467-8551.12123
Wright, April L., Staggs, Jonathan, Middleton, Stuart, Burke, John, Markwell, Alex, Brazil, Victoria, Mitchell, Rob and Brown, Anthony F. (2015). Teaching and learning in an era of time-based access targets: impact of a new model of care on junior medical officers. EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 27 (4), 355-358. doi: 10.1111/1742-6723.12438
Liesch, Peter W., Hakanson, Lars, McGaughey, Sara L., Middleton, Stuart and Cretchley, Julia (2011). The evolution of the international business field: A scientometric investigation of articles published in its premier journal. Scientometrics, 88 (1), 17-42. doi: 10.1007/s11192-011-0372-3
Middleton, Stuart, Liesch, Peter W. and Steen, John (2011). Organizing time: Internationalization narratives of executive managers. International Business Review, 20 (2), 136-150. doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2010.07.007
Middleton, S. (2009). Reputation management in the Salvation Army: A narrative study. Journal of Management Inquiry, 18 (2), 145-157. doi: 10.1177/1056492608330446
Middleton, Stuart and Hanson, Dallas (2003). Corporate reputation and scientific reputation: The mysterious case of Girard and Agassiz. Corporate Reputation Review, 6 (2), 147-160. doi: 10.1057/palgrave.crr.1540196
Conference Papers
Irving, Gemma L., Pereira, Sandra, Middleton, Stuart, Figueira, Sandra, Felstead, David and Berrington, Catherine (2024). Using space to manage risk in interpersonal interactions during an extreme event: management educators experiences of teaching during COVID-19. European Group for Organizational Studies, Milan, Italy, 3-6 July 2024.
Middleton, Stuart (2024). Strategic analysis through design. Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society, Salem, MA USA, 12-14 June 2024. Jacksonville, FL USA:
Williams, Grace, Irving, Gemma, Wright, April L. and Middleton, Stuart Anthony (2020). Managing Diversity in High-Reliability Teams in the Emergency Department. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Online, 7 - 11 August 2020. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2020.20366abstract
Middleton, S., Wallin, A., Peters, M., Kriz, A., Eckberg, S. and Buning, R. (2020). In defence of the familiar: innovating in business schools through slow histories. Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society., Christchurch, New Zealand, 30 January-2 February 2020.
Huang, Peisheng, Wright, April L. and Middleton, Stuart (2020). The role of materiality in student learning about strategy. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Online, 7 - 11 August 2020. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2020.235
Middleton, S., Wallin, A., Peters, M., Kriz, A., Eckberg, S. and Buning, R. (2019). In defence of the familiar: innovating in business schools through slow histories. Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management, Cairns, QLD Australia, 3-6 December 2019.
Middleton, S., Wallin, A., Peters, M., Eckberg, S., Kriz, A. and Buning, R. (2019). Ending the production line? How learning university history can influence different thinking about business school academic careers.. Academy of Management Learning and Education Organization Studies Paper Development Workshop., Brisbane, QLD Australia, 9 November 2019.
Wright, April L., Liesch, Peter W., Middleton, Stuart, Burke, John and Brazil Victoria (2014). Teaching evidence-based management: Insights froman empirical study of an EBM decision process. 2014 Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, PA, United States, August 2014.
Wright, A. L. and Middleton, S. (2012). Organisational design in hospitals: the impact of resource constraints on interactions between subunits. ANZAM 2012 Conference, Perth, Australia, 5-7 December 2012. Australia: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management.
Liesch, Peter W., McGaughey, Sara L., Middleton, Stuart and Cretchley, Julia (2011). A scientometric investigation of articles published in the Journal of International Business Studies revealing empirically the evolution of the field. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Nagoya, Japan, 24-28 June 2011. East Lansing, MI, United States: Academy of International Business.
Wright, April Lee, Middleton, Stuart Anthony and Brazil, Victoria (2010). Institutional logics and latent conflict in healthcare in Australia. Academy of Management 2010 Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 6-10 August 2010.
Moore, Lauchlan McKenzie, Wright, April Lee and Middleton, Stuart Anthony (2010). Institutional logics at the micro level: A study of the experiences of nurses in Australia. Academy of Management 2010 Annual Meeting: Dare to Care, Montreal, Canada, 6-10 August 2010.
Wright, April L., Middleton, Stuart A., Irving, Gemma and Hibbert, Paul (2009). The politics of institutional translation work: Drawing out power relations in the emergency department. European Group for Organization Studies Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 4-5 July 2009.
Middleton, S., Liesch, P. W. and Steen, J. (2009). Time narratives in international entrepreneurship. The Future of Asia-Pacific Business: Beyond the Crisis, Brisbane, Australia, 16-18 April, 2009. Australia: ANZIBA.
Middleton, Stuart, Liesch, Peter W. and Steen, John (2008). Temporal evolutionary trajectories in international new ventures. 50th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB), Milan, Italy, 20 June - 3 July 2008. East lansing, MI, United States: Academy of International Business.
Research Report
Liesch, P. W., Steen, M., Middleton, S. and Weerawardena, J. (2007). Born to be Global: A closer look at the international venturing of Australian born global firms. Sydney: Australian Business Foundation.