Transforming Primary Healthcare Service Delivery

Seeking participation from General Practice clinics

Primary care is a crucial part of the Australian healthcare system. In today’s digital age, GP clinics face challenges in delivering quality care while managing operations and the expectations of staff, clinicians and patients. Digital technology strategy holds the key. 

Our goal is to determine how to enhance primary healthcare services to be more efficient and person-centred using digital technologies.

Digital technologies include electronic tools, devices and systems that can generate, create, store or process data (electronic information). In a General Practice clinic, these can include telehealth, electronic appointment booking systems, digital billing, electronic patient records, ePrescriptions and wearable health informatics devices like continuous blood glucose monitors and smartwatches.

We are now recruiting for the next phase of our research, looking for GP clinic practice managers and other key personnel involved with primary care digital technology adoption across Australia.

We are interested in understanding how decisions are made about which types of digital technologies to use in Australian general practice clinics and how their effectiveness is assessed. This study involves completing an online survey, and if interested, an interview with one of our researchers.

Those who complete the survey can opt to receive a benchmarking report about their clinic performance.

An innovative primary care improvement tool will be developed from our findings for use by primary care clinics across Australia.

This research is being conducted with funding from the Australian Research Council, the University of Queensland, the Australian Association of Practice Management (AAPM), the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) and Inala Primary Care.

What will I need to do?

If you agree to participate you can complete the online survey at your convenience. The survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes of your time. It will contain a combination of multiple-choice style questions and free-text answers.

Are you involved with decision-making about the adoption of digital technologies at your GP Clinic?

We are interested in understanding the types of digital technologies used at your clinic (or clinics), your decision-making process and how you evaluate their effectiveness. This study involves completing an online survey, and if interested, an interview with one of our researchers from The University of Queensland. Those who complete the survey can opt to receive a benchmarking report about their clinic. Our overall goal is to determine how to enhance primary healthcare services to be more efficient and person-centred using digital technologies. Don’t miss this chance to make a difference to the future of primary care.

Registration process

  1. Click on the Enrolment for Practice Managers link and read the Participant Information Sheet
  2. If you would like to participate, click ‘Next’ to commence the survey
  3. If you would like to receive a benchmarking report about your clinic and/or participate in a follow-up interview, please provide your contact details

Enrolment for Practice Managers 

Community of interest

Interested but not yet ready to participate? To receive more information about the studies, how to contribute, opportunities to get involved and 'first look' access to the innovative tools we develop for primary care, sign up for our Community of Interest.

Join the community

A mother and daughter visiting a female General Practitioner

Are you involved with decision-making about the adoption of digital technologies at your GP Clinic?

We are interested in understanding the types of digital technologies used at your clinic (or clinics), your decision-making process and how you evaluate their effectiveness. This study involves completing an online survey, and if interested, an interview with one of our researchers from The University of Queensland. Those who complete the survey can opt to receive a benchmarking report about their clinic. Our overall goal is to determine how to enhance primary healthcare services to be more efficient and person-centred using digital technologies. Don’t miss this chance to make a difference to the future of primary care.

Registration process

  1. Click on the Enrolment for Practice Owners link and read the Participant Information Sheet
  2. If you would like to participate, click ‘Next’ to commence the survey
  3. If you would like to receive a benchmarking report about your clinic and/or participate in a follow-up interview, please provide your contact details

Enrolment for Practice Owners

Community of interest

Interested but not yet ready to participate? To receive more information about the studies, how to contribute, opportunities to get involved and 'first look' access to the innovative tools we develop for primary care, sign up for our Community of Interest.

Join the community

receptionist at a GP clinic smiling at the camera

Our Researchers

Professor Janet McColl-KennedyProfessor Janet McColl-Kennedy
Project Lead, Chief Investigator
UQ Business School


Associate Professor Christoph BreidbachAssociate Professor Christoph Breidbach
Chief Investigator
UQ Business School


Associate Professor Lisa HallAssociate Professor Lisa Hall
Chief Investigator
UQ School of Public Health


Professor Damian HineProfessor Damian Hine
Chief Investigator
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation


Professor Mohamed ZakiProfessor Mohamed Zaki
Partner Investigator
University of Cambridge


Emma BaillieMs Emma Baillie
Research Officer
UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellow


Dr Fiona WillerDr Fiona Willer
Senior Research Assistant


headshot of Tracey JohnsonTracey Johnson
CEO Inala Primary Care
Partner Investigator (Industry)


Headshot of Paresh DawdaParesh Dawda
CEO Prestantia Health
Partner Investigator (Industry)


Headshot of Miranda GraceMiranda Grace
CEO Australian Association of Practice Management (AAPM)
Partner Organisation


Headshot of Ken GriffinKen Griffin
CEO Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA)
Partner Organisation


Our Aim

The overarching aim of this project is to co-design and test new tools through a digitaltech-humanness approach, providing a roadmap to enable primary care clinics to simultaneously enhance patient experience and employee wellbeing, resulting in overall clinic performance improvement.

This research is being led by Professor Janet McColl-Kennedy and her team at The University of Queensland Business School with funding from the Australian Research Council (Grant LP210200586), the Australian Association of Practice Management (AAPM), the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) and Inala Primary Care.

The study’s findings are expected to be of value to primary care practices, policymakers and the broader healthcare community. By uncovering the barriers to embracing digital technology and identifying best practices, the research aims to create a straightforward roadmap for enhancing patient care and optimising clinic operations – whether it’s a one-GP outback clinic or a metropolitan GP Super Clinic.


Contact us

Get in touch to learn more about our research.

Dr Fiona Willer
(07) 3346 8058