Brought to you by the MBA Careers and Professional Development team, the Accelerate Your Career (AYC) program is a self-paced blended learning opportunity designed to accelerate participants towards their career goals by developing a ‘go-to-market’ strategy for their next career move, through online and in-person workshops, activities, and autonomous learning exercises.

If you are graduating this year, want to prepare early, or if you are not sure about your career strategy, this is the perfect three-week program to get you on track for your career journey.  

Who is this for?

This workshop is designed for all UQ MBA Community (students and alum) who are looking to make an impact in a short amount of time! Previous participants found they were able to prepare themselves for career advancement or take their first step towards making a career transition.

Program details:

  • Commencing in April, we recommend MBAs complete the program within three weeks contributing approximately one to two hours a week.
  • Approximately six hours (Maximum) of self-paced content delivered online via Practera.
  • Three complementary milestone webinars, live online workshops

Registrations close on Friday 5th April 2023

Please note: this program will only run if the minimum number of participants is met.

AYC Milestone Events

To maximise your learnings from this program, we highly recommend you attend all three milestone events. 

Welcome to AYC - Planning your career strategy 

Please book into the first webinar on April 9 HERE. Once you book, you will be sent an invitation to sign up to our 3 week program with access to all of the resources you need. If you cannot make all 3 webinars, we have support for you. You do have the option to complete the program without attending the webinars. If you have any problems logging in or other questions, please email the Careers team at

Register now

Welcome to the Accelerate Your Career Intensive

Tuesday 9 April, 12- 12:30pm, Webinar 1

Do you like MBA intensive classes? Well this 3 week careers program is built for you. 

This webinar will introduce the outline of an accelerated careers program, help to equip you with key understandings of the program and take you through the stages and how the 3 weeks will operate. 

This event will leverage learnings from Planning for career transition webinar in March 2023 and many other strategic career principles and tools to help you gear up and become the preferred candidate in a new career or internal job. 

Preparing your career strategy

Wednesday 17 April, 12–1pm, Webinar 2

In this live webinar, we will discuss your pre-reading and Odyssey plans that you have worked through your AYC program so far. We will break up into small breakout rooms where you will have the opportunity to discuss one of your plans with fellow participants or a previous example if people do not want to share. This event will be working through your "value proposition" linked to your new career plan, compared to your current version. Does it need to be changed for your new audience, as well as discussing growth industries and how your skills may transition. 

Getting application ready

Tuesday 23 April, 12–1pm, Webinar 3

With a clear 5 year career vision, gap analysis, value proposition, industry research completed and a job tracker full of jobs, you should have an understanding of the value you would bring to a new industry or promotional opportunity internally. 

It is time to prepare for applications and begin applying for roles. The Careers team will work through our AI system, VMock, and how to best utilise the system to write an effective resume for the market in 2024 (General or Consultancy). We will also be outlining best practice for cover letters, selection criteria, interview preparation and negotiating your salary, when you are successful at gaining an offer. 

About MBA Events

Our MBA events complement the learning experience within the MBA program providing our students with access to employability events, guest speakers, industry events and networking opportunities.