Managing Data Protection, Privacy and Cybersecurity in Digital Health

Published November 2021 by Dr Saeed Akhlaghpour


Through a multi-disciplinary programme of research and in collaboration with colleagues from Engineering, Health, and Business, Dr Saeed Akhlaghpour studies health data protection and organisational practices for managing data privacy and cybersecurity risks. This research has led to peer-reviewed publications that study data protection in different contexts, including tertiary hospitals (Integrated Electronic Medical Records), primary healthcare, telehealth, and also Covid-19 contact tracing mobile apps.

Referenced research

Akhlaghpour, S., Hassandoust, F., Fatehi, F., Burton-Jones, A., & Hynd, A. (2021). Learning from enforcement cases to manage GDPR risks. MIS Quarterly Executive20(3).

Hassandoust, F., Akhlaghpour, S., & Johnston, A. C. (2021). Individuals’ privacy concerns and adoption of contact tracing mobile applications in a pandemic: A situational privacy calculus perspective. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association28(3), 463-471.

Lockey, S., Edwards, M. R., Hornsey, M. J., Gillespie, N.,Akhlaghpour, S., & Colville, S. (2021). Profiling adopters (and non-adopters) of a contact tracing mobile application: insights from Australia. International Journal of Medical Informatics149, 104414.

Burton-Jones, A., Akhlaghpour, S., Ayre, S., Barde, P., Staib, A., & Sullivan, C. (2020). Changing the conversation on evaluating digital transformation in healthcare: Insights from an institutional analysis. Information and Organization, 30(1), 100255. [ABDC A*, 2020 impact factor: 6.300]

Pool, J., Akhlaghpour, S., & Fatehi, F. (2020). Towards a contextual theory of Mobile Health Data Protection (MHDP): A realist perspective. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 104229. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2020.104229

Conference publications: 

Pool, J., Fatehi, F, Akhlaghpour, S., & Ko, R. (2021). Unpacking Discourses on Telehealth Use, Data Security and Privacy: A Qualitative Analysis. 21st International Conference on Successes and Failures in Telehealth (SFT-21). Brisbane, Australia.

Namvar, M., Akhlaghpour, S., Pool, F., Priscilia, A. (2021). Towards explaining user satisfaction with contact tracing mobile applications in a time of pandemic: a text analytics approach. 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA [conditionally accepted]

Pool, J., Akhlaghpour, S., & Fatehi, F. (2021). Health Data Privacy in the COVID-19 Pandemic Context: Mapping Discourses on HIPAA. 31st Medical Informatics Europe Conference. Virtual Conference in 2021.

Pool, J., Akhlaghpour, S., & Fatehi, F. (2021). Misinformation and Disinformation in Pandemics: Scientific Landscape and the Road Ahead for Public Health Informatics Research. 15th Annual Conference on Health Informatics meets Digital Health. Virtual Conference in 2021.

Fatehi, F., Hassandoust, F., Ko, R., Akhlaghpour, S. (2020), “General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Healthcare: Hot Topics and Research Fronts” in: Proceedings of the 30th Medical Informatics Europe (MIE) conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 28 April-1 May, 2020.

Pool, J., Fatehi, F., Hassandoust, F., Akhlaghpour, S. (2020). Health Data Privacy: Research Fronts, Hot Topics and Future Directions. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 275, 167-171.

Pool, J., Akhlaghpour, S., Burton-Jones, A. (2020). On the Complexity of Health Data Protection-in-Practice: Insights from a Longitudinal Qualitative Study, Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Wellington, New Zealand.

Pool, J., Akhlaghpour, S., Fatehi, F. (2019) “Successes and failures in mobile health data protection and their impacts: a realist review” in: 19th Successes and Failures in Telehealth Conference (SFT-19) and the 10th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Telehealth Society, Gold Coast, Australia, 21-23 October, 2019.

Pool, J., Akhlaghpour, S., Fatehi, F., Burton-Jones, A. (2019). “Causes and Impacts of Personal Health Information (PHI) Breaches: A Scoping Review and Thematic Analysis” in: Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Xi'an, China, 8-12 July, 2019.

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