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  • It's time for leaders to step up. The world faces a range of complex, global challenges: resource depletion, food security, global financial instability, demographic imbalance and climate change. Business can be part of the solution, but are our business leaders up to the job? Associate Professors Bernard McKenna, David Rooney and Dr Hannes Zacher consider wisdom as a prerequisite for leadership.
  • How can a small firm with a second-rate product challenge big business and end up dominating the market? Disruption - the concept often used to explain such shifts - is now at the centre of a heated debate.
  • Natural disasters can have a devastating effect on tourism. However Australia’s experience with flooding and bushfires has provided some valuable lessons on how destinations can recover after a crisis.
  • A growing number of business professionals are seeking a career in charities or social enterprise but they are often unprepared for the culture clash. Here’s what you need to know to make a smooth transition.
  • Stress in the workplace costs businesses millions of dollars each year. Now research is casting light on why some people are better at dealing with it, and how we can train others to become more resilient.
  • A new report which reveals the reasons for the fall in mining productivity holds some valuable insights for other sectors.

  • Do X-Politicians come back as company directors?

    There is life after politics, but is it in business? When politicians join company boards in Australia, the share price is more likely to drop than when a non-politician is appointed, says UQ Business School research. Don’t shareholders value the expertise that our former leaders bring to the boardroom? Or perhaps it’s a vote of confidence in our democracy?
  • Low pay is no longer just a problem for the poor – it can have a damaging effect on business and the economy too, according to a leading economist.
  • Everyone knows the first thing you should do when starting a business is to write a business plan. Or is it? According to one school of thought, business plans are a waste of time because they are based on untested hypotheses. The lean startup movement has turned conventional business thinking on its head in an attempt to make the whole process of starting a company less risky.
