UQ MBA students give back to the community

12 Sep 2016
MBA Social Club

On Friday, 22 July a number of UQ Business School MBA students and alumni gave their time to help raise money for the Yalari Indigenous Foundation at a Brisbane Bronco’s football game.

Yalari is a not for profit charity that helps Indigenous children from regional, rural and remote areas by providing secondary educational scholarships at boarding schools.

The UQ MBA Social Club, led by students Mike Gordon and Phoebe Smith, had looked at a number of charities to get involved with, after taking feedback about MBA student’s willingness to give back to the community.

The 50:50 raffle at the Bronco’s match was deemed to be a good fit given previous Business School involvement with Yalari and the broader ties of providing education which students believe is important to all community members. 

The MBA students helped raise over $7,000 for Yalari, who were extremely grateful for the support and participation by the MBA students, and will use the funds to send a number of children to an Orientation Camp this year.

Social Club leader Mike Gordon said all students recognise the value of education and the benefits this brings to both individuals and society as a whole.

“The opportunity for the UQ MBA Social Club members to contribute to Yalari was not a hard decision for those involved on the night,” he said.

UQ Business School MBA Director, Dr Sarah Kelly said the initiative demonstrated by MBA students in coordinating and participating in this fundraiser is outstanding.

“We’re particularly proud that they have self-organised this group through their social club and are walking the talk of being community leaders with social justice concerns,” she said.


