Chasing main character vibes

18 September 2024

Are you the main character in the story of your life?

Many of us get to a point when we realise we’re not where we thought we’d be in life – and we have no idea how we even got there to begin with.

There are a lot of potential factors to blame: increased caring responsibilities (of children, aging parents, marriage), a pandemic that turned the best-laid plans upside down, or the unconscious expectation that life will serve up what we need, when we need it, without our intervention. You might feel comfortable in your career and have stopped pushing yourself to challenge your boundaries. Maybe you know what you want but lack the confidence you need to take the next step.

It’s easy to fall into traps where we let life happen to us rather than making purposeful decisions that align with our goals and what’s important to us. But this is how we stop being a supporting or background character and ensure we’re living the life we want.

By enrolling in a Master of Business Administration (MBA) at UQ, Sophia Arkinstall changed her narrative. Her story is one of leveraging new opportunities, aligning passion with purpose and developing the agility and boldness to soar in her career. This is her advice to help you write your own story.

Sophie Arkinstall sitting at a laptop

Put yourself at the centre of your decisions

After joining Springfield City Group in 2014, Sophia recognised a skills gap when it came to business knowledge. She made the decision to start studying an MBA in 2018 and recently graduated as Valedictorian of her class.

“Through the MBA, you learn more about yourself, which means you better understand what drives you, your strengths and weaknesses,” she says.

“This self-awareness can really build confidence. My MBA has sculpted my path, instilled in me the principles of leadership, and given me a renewed sense of purpose and direction.”

Sophia credits the MBA with empowering her to ascend in her role at Springfield City Group, shifting from operational projects to spearheading their smart city strategy.

“I'm responsible for driving strategic initiatives that align with the company's vision for sustainability, well-being and innovation,” she says.

“Recently, I’ve been charged with project managing the company's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy. This merges my passion for sustainability and social inclusion and gives me a great chance to implement the strategy, consultation, and project execution skills I learned in my MBA.

“My contributions have been instrumental in fostering innovation within my company and the broader Springfield community. Now I’ve graduated, I see the Brisbane Olympics as a monumental opportunity to drive change. I see a future where urban environments are inclusive, sustainable, and technologically advanced, while rooted in community values.

“The MBA has been my compass, guiding me toward this vision while equipping me with the tools to make it a reality.”

The courage to confront your fears and jump

Sophia says she experienced profound personal and professional growth during her MBA by taking up unique opportunities outside her comfort zone.

Sophie Arkinstall jumping in front of Tesla building

Some of these opportunities included completing an exchange to Essec Business School in Paris, travelling to Tel-Aviv, Israel, to learn more about innovation, and completing an internship in Silicon Valley, San Fransisco.

In addition to these unique cultural experiences that expanded her worldview, Sophia also had the opportunity to visit major tech companies, including Tesla, Meta (Facebook), LinkedIn and Google, and work with colleagues from around the world.

“Being the main character in your own story is about seizing opportunities when you find them,” she says. “I found engaging with diverse perspectives has been pivotal in forging innovative solutions. From these experiences, I gained confidence and even felt comfortable enough to deliver elevator pitches in front of strangers just for fun.

Sophie Arkinstall presenting at ESSEC Business School

“The MBA has been a huge contributor to my self-confidence, whether that’s how I hold myself in the boardroom, how I present in front of clients or, more deeply, how I feel about tackling new tasks and taking on new opportunities.

“Having gained so much from these experiences, I’ve learned to embrace thoughtful risk and apply a growth mindset to my career and life choices.”

Success is not a solo journey

During her studies, Sophia realised that an MBA is not merely a means to acquire business acumen. It also emphasised personal growth and the value of collaboration and community.

“Success is a collective effort shaped by mentors, challenged by peers and supported by our loved ones,” she says.

“My journey was enriched by a curriculum that offered rigour and flexibility, as well as a community that inspired, motivated and pushed me forward.

“The network and staff nurture positive thinking, whether you’re in the classroom, working on group assignments, or embarking on global travel opportunities. Sharing my perspective in class with colleagues and teaching staff reinforced my confidence in the direction I was heading. Everyone encourages each other to dream big and spur one another on.”

Now she’s graduated, Sophia has also discovered the career benefits of the connections she fostered during her studies.

“We share updates on what we are up to and any events we’re attending. It’s such a rich group of connections that you can tap into. When I have an issue or need to brainstorm, the MBA network is often the first place I go to get advice or feedback.”

“Recently, an MBA alum introduced me to UN Women Australia. Through this connection, I ended up attending the 2023 Asia Pacific Cities Summit. This involvement deepened my commitment to gender equality, which aligns with my enthusiasm for cities to achieve the overarching UN Sustainability Goals.”

“We are only here for a certain amount of time. It’s important to prioritise your journey, cheer yourself on, be self-affirming, take a break when you need it, and say ‘yes’.”

Are you ready to become the main character of your life?

Visit the UQ MBA website to learn more about this transformative program.  
