A group of UQ Business School students will launch Live! Green - an initiative promoting environmentally friendly practices amongst the student body - on Wednesday 27 May
Live! Green project coordinator and PhD student Aastha Malhotra said she hoped the launch would attract more than a hundred students wanting to learn more about how to integrate eco-friendly practices into their day-to-day lives.
"Green practices differ greatly from country to country. As Queensland residents it's important that we are aware of the local opportunities available to us," she said.
"Our main aim is to spread awareness of these opportunities and make it easier for students to implement green strategies."
Each student who attends the launch will be provided with a Live! Green package.
"Students will receive a plant as a symbol of their commitment to caring for the environment. Brisbane City Council and the Queensland Water Commission have also supported our initiative, providing advice and helpful hints on how to save water and energy both in the home and the workplace, "she said.
Ms Malhotra said she hoped the project would be adopted by other university students in the future.
"In the short time we've been running Live! Green we've found a lot of support within the student community and the project team includes students from Chile, Peru and China. The Business School Postgraduate Student Association (BSPA) has also really got behind the project and so far we've got more than a hundred members on our Facebook site."
The Live! Green launch will take place outside the Colin Clark Building on Wednesday 27 May. Students are encouraged to drop by to collect a plant and a package and sign the Live! Green Wall. For more information visit www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=76700866290&ref=ts)
Students inspire peers to Live Green
21 May 2009