Is Your Company Clear About Cloud?

14 May 2012
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With over 70 per cent of Australian companies already choosing to store some of their data on remote servers, is the cloud set to take over from conventional computing? Or is it fraught with security problems?

The question - All clear about cloud? - is one of a series posed by UQ Business School to businesses, encouraging them to consider the issues they will face in ten years time. It is part of a campaign to mark the school’s tenth anniversary.

According to Peter Green, Professor of E-commerce at UQ Business School, the cloud offers multiple benefits including flexibility, improved communication and economies of scale. However when data is stored in shared facilities, security is often a concern.

“Security comes down to controls, how much control you have over your data, and what kind of data you allow to sit in the cloud,” he advises. “Companies should do their due diligence with regard to their own circumstances.”

Andrew Griffiths, Dean of UQ Business School, said: “As we celebrate the end of our first decade, we’re encouraging firms to consider what the business environment will look like a decade ahead and what challenges they will face.

“UQ Business School aims to help firms to keep abreast of the issues and prepare for them. Over the next ten years we will be playing a key role in helping Australian business to adapt and develop the skills and solutions necessary to support a thriving economy.”
