The International Encyclopaedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences, (Elsevier) Second Edition, has won two PROSE Awards, one for Excellence in Reference Works and the other for Excellence in Multivolume Reference - Humanities & Social Sciences, with UQ Business School management expert Professor Neal Ashkanasy making a significant contribution to the publication.
Professor Ashkanasy was the Section Editor on Applied, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, which includes 39 chapters.
Celebrating its 40th year, the PROSE Awards annually recognize the best in professional and scholarly publishing, judged by peer publishers, librarians, academics and medical professionals.
This year a record 551 entries of books, reference works, journals and electronic products across more than 54 categories were submitted for the awards.
Winners were announced in February at the annual conference of the Association of American Publisher’s Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division in Washington, DC.
In addition to being Section Editor, Professor Ashkanasy also contributed an article, Emotions and Work, to the award-winning publication.
In his article, Professor Ashkanasy reviewed the field of emotion in the workplace from five perspectives, emphasising the importance of “affective events theory” and positive and negative affect, and provided recommendations for future research.
Professor Ashkanasy said the edition is the defining work on this major field of social science, as authors featured are the world’s leading scholars on their topics.