Could you describe shortly your current role, what it involves and give some background information on your current company?
My role at Goldman Sachs includes company analysis, benchmarking and industry research. I am in the Global Natural Resources team which focuses on mergers and acquisitions in the oil and gas, metals, mining and utilities sectors. My involvement has ranged from company asset sales in Brazil and Vietnam to utility privatisations in Europe. Goldman Sachs is a truly international organisation which employs over 34,000 people.
What do you remember most about your time at UQ Business School?
The diversity in lecturers, networking opportunities with potential employers and interactive tutorial groups. There was also a well-balanced course structure incorporating theory and IT courses to prepare for practical applications such as Excel modelling.
What impact did UQ Business School have on your career and the way you operate within your current job?
It prepared me for a career in banking and finance by establishing a platform of fundamental financial knowledge to build upon.
What key piece of advice would you give for anyone wanting to start a degree at UQ Business School?Involve yourself in as many aspects of business as possible. The initial year allows you to undertake various subjects - it is a good idea to embrace all topics and then make a decision. I was initially more interested in business management but found finance more appealing.
Want to have the spotlight in the next Alumni e-news? We'd love to hear what you've been up to since graduating from UQ Business School. Share your story with us.