October is Indigenous Business Month. The theme for this year is Powering the Indigenous Economy. It acknowledges the power of the Indigenous contribution to the economy, and showcases the powerhouse businesses that are employing, creating, disrupting, and getting on with business across the country. Indigenous Business Month shines a light on the growing ranks of successful Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses across Australia. Indigenous Business Month is about driving the growth of the Indigenous business sector and demand for their goods and services. Queensland has a strong and diverse Indigenous business sector which is critical to local, regional and the State economies; the employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; and self-determination.

UQ Business school is proud to host this Indigenous Business Month Event to showcase Indigenous Entrepreneurs and the contribution they make to the Queensland and national economy.

DATE:  26th October 2021

TIME: 2pm – 3.30pm (followed by bush tucker afternoon tea supplied by FigJam)

VENUE: 01-E109 (Forgan Smith Building) St Lucia Campus and via Zoom, the link will be sent via registration. 

This event will be facilitated by Professor Brent Ritchie, Dean and Head of UQ Business School & Dr Sharlene Leroy-Dyer, Associate PRME Director Indigenous Engagement.

Panellists Include

  1. Cameron Costello – Deputy Chair at Queensland Tourism Industry Council
  2. Uncle Michael Connolly – Artist, Cultural Educator, Owner of Dreamtime Kullilla-Art
  3. Leesa Watego – Small Business and Digital Media Trainer, Indigenous Business Sector Growth Advocate  and co-founder of Indigenous Business Month
  4. Rod Williams – Owner and Director, Gongan Consultancy Pty Ltd and PhD candidate at UQ Business School

Panellists will describe how they see the Indigenous economy, what powers it , the importance of it, what is or isn’t working and how we can build and grow the Indigenous economy.

About Business School Events

The Business School proudly hosts a range of events throughout the year, independently, in conjunction with The University of Queensland, and with our industry partners. Our events may appeal to audiences of prospective, current or past students, members of the public or industry professionals. 


Forgan Smith Building #1, The University of Queensland, St Lucia QLD 4072

And via Zoom - register to receive a link.

Other upcoming sessions