Future of health

Transforming healthcare delivery

The Future of Health initiative draws together the UQ Business School’s expertise across different disciplines to help transform healthcare delivery for the benefit of patients and society at large. 

Our research offers unique value to healthcare providers, complimenting health-driven research outcomes from clinical trials. Practitioners place high value on the different methods and insights we bring.

Through our work with private and public healthcare providers, patients and families, we are internationally recognised as thought leaders in the healthcare sector. We provide insights and encourage engagement with leading healthcare providers and policymakers at a local and global level.

Future of Health insights and news

Are you interested in participating in a project that explores the efficacy of Australia's mental healthcare management system? Click here to read more. (PDF, 41.7 KB)

The Participant Information Sheet for the above study is available here. (PDF, 143.2 KB)

Managing for transformational healthcare change

Our research offers insights into leadership and change management in health organisations, to transform the way healthcare is delivered. Our researchers specialise in organisational development, innovation and corporate governance practices that have future-focused healthcare impact. Projects include evaluations for the State Government into the delivery of new models of mental healthcare services.

Transformative health and wellbeing innovations

Digital technologies have the power to transform healthcare delivery, reduce costs and save lives. However globally, its uptake has been slow and fraught with problems. UQ Business School is at the forefront of helping organisations to harness the potential of digital in healthcare, develop new strategies, create more effective models of care and introduce health innovations. Our researchers are currently assessing the transformation of Brisbane’s Princess Alexandra Hospital and other flagship IT projects, identifying lessons for others.

Patient-centred care

Patients are at the heart of the healthcare system, so it is critical to understand and support their needs. UQ Business School experts work with healthcare providers for the delivery of services to diverse groups including rural and remote patients, Indigenous Australians, children, and the elderly to find better ways to address their needs and improve the uptake of technology-driven healthcare delivery modes (i.e. telehealth) and patient care platforms (i.e. virtual reality; gamification).

Accountable and flexible healthcare systems

Funding is one of the biggest constraints facing healthcare providers. Our research looks at how best to develop and assess new funding models, invest in new innovative healthcare services, incentivise staff and implement management control systems in healthcare organisations.

Business school staff are involved in projects for UQ’s Centre for the Business and Economics of Health and Centre for Research Excellence in Telehealth, Centre for Research in Telerehabilitation, the Centre for Online Health (based at Prince Albert Hospital), the UQ Centre for Health Services Research, RECOVER Injury Research Centre and the Digital Health CRC.

Roadmap options for melanoma screening in Australia (Melanoma-ROSA) (2022–2026)

Researchers: Monika Janda, Anne Cust, Peter Soyer, Nicole Gillespie, and Zongyuan Ge.
Funding: NHMRC Synergy Grant - $5mil.

Skin imaging and precision diagnosis (2022–2026)

Researchers: Monika Janda, Anne Cust, Peter Soyer, Zongyuan Ge, Nicole Gillespie. 
Funding: NHMRC Centre of Excellence - $2.5mil. 

Building digital platforms to support precision prevention of chronic disease (2021)

Researchers: Oliver Canfell, Andrew Burton-Jones, Clair Sullivan, Elizabeth Eakin. 
Funding: Faculty of Business, Economics and Law Connect Grant - $19,553. 

Optimising the allied health workforce through an eco-systems lens (2021–2022)

Researchers: Nicole Hartley, Andrew Davidson and Lily Cheung.
Funding: Funding: Queensland Health Grant - $176,000.

Bringing digital excellence to clinical excellence in Queensland Health (2020–2024)

Researchers: Andrew Burton-Jones, Robyn Littlewood, Clair Sullivan. 
Funding: Digital Health CRC - $1.485M. 

Enhanced data extraction and modelling from electronic medical records and phenotyping for clinical care, and research: Case studies in management of medication stewardship (2020–2024)

Researchers: Guido Zuccon, Clair Sullivan, Ash Rahimi, Sally Shrapnel, Andrew Burton-Jones. 
Funding: Digital Health CRC - $469,000. 

From volume to value with data analytics: Improving patient outcomes, employee well-being and general practice (GP) clinical performance (2020)

Researchers: Janet McColl-Kennedy, Mieke van Driel, Christoph Breidbach, Johnson, T, Dawda, Paresh, Damien Hine, Mohammed Zaki. 
Funding: BEL Connent Grant - $17,000. 

Development of an active video game for the long-term maintenance of exercise of people with COPD (2018)

Researchers: Trevor Russell, Nicole Hartley, Allison Mandrusiak, Jennie Money. 
Funding: UQ Faculty of Health and Behavioural Science and Metro North Hospital and Health Science (CISS) Research Collaboration Seeding Grant $39,535. 

Home telehealth adoption in the aging population: Consumer perspectives (2017–2020)

Researchers: Trevor Russell, Deborah Theodoros, Nicole Gillespie, Nicole Hartley, Len Gray, Anne Hill. 
Funding: NHMRC $352,000. 

Improving quality of care for people with dementia in the acute care setting (2017–2020)

Researchers: Melinda Martin-Khan, Len Gray, Nancye Peel, John Hirdes, Amanda Henderson, Elaine Pascoe, Nicole Gillespie, Brant Fries, Veronique Boscart, Julia Crilly. 
Funding: NHMRC Boosting Dementia Research Grants $1.86m.  

Understanding and improving the effective use of electronic medical records (2017–2019)

Researchers: Professor Andrew Burton-Jones. 
Funding: UQ Development Fellow (Strategic Research Fellowship) Teaching release.  

Using electronic medical records effectively and aligning to a digital healthcare vision (2017–2019)

Researchers: Professor Andrew Burton-Jones. 
Funding: Queensland Health $278,000. 

Electronic medical records and a digital healthcare vision: Benefits evaluation (2017–2018)

Researchers: Professor Andrew Burton-Jones. 
Funding: Metro South Hospital $234,000. 

Evidence-based approach to evaluating strategic transformation (2016–2020)

Researchers: Andrew Burton-Jones, Victor Callan (CBEH).
Funding: Mater Misericordiae LTD $300,000.  

Exploring the value of telehealth in primary care: A controlled trial within the Royal Flying Doctor Service (2016–2019)

Researchers: Len Gray, Anthony Smith, Jenny Whitty, Elaine Pascoe, Geoffery Mitchell, Trevor Russell, Nicole Gillespie, Oscar Whitehead, Anita Hansen.
Funding: NHMRC Partnership Grant $465,165 + matched funding from RFDS. 

20 modelling multidimensional multiparty decisions to improve outcomes for customers and service providers: New theory and measurement tools (2016–2018)

Researchers: Janet McColl-KennedyLen Coote, Claire Wainwright, Scott Bell, Michael Brady.
Funding: ARC Discovery Grant $330,000.

Redesigning skin cancer early detection and care (2016–2018)

Researchers: Monika Janda, Peter Soyer, Lois Loescher, Nicole Gillespie, Dimitrios Vagenas.
Funding: NH&MRC Partnership Grant $596,600 ($178,259 UQ).

Examining the effectiveness of patient-centred practices on health outcomes (2015–2018)

Researchers: Pennie Frow, Janet McColl- Kennedy, Adrian Payne.
Funding: ARC Linkage Grant $1.1 million (including $180,000 from ARC).

A telehealth framework for BUSHKids (2015–2018)

Researchers: Deborah Theodoros, Trevor Russell, Nicole Gillespie, Nicole Hartley, Annie Hill.
Funding: BUSHKids (industry grant, funding for PhD scholarship + 0.2 FTE RA).

The Centre of Excellence in Telehealth (2014–2018)

Researchers: L. Gray, D. Theodoras, A Smith, N. Gillespie, N. Hayman, T. Russell, P. Soyer, & J. Whitty.
Funding: NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence Grant $2,495,357 over 5 years (3 year PhD scholarship and 3 year half time post-doc funding to UQBS).