Anzac museum and heritage experiences

1 Jan 2016

On being Australian: Exploring the role of Anzac museum and heritage interpretive experiences in developing visitors’ sense of national identity 

This study will identify the aspects of interpretive experiences at museums and heritage sites that facilitate identity-building and best meet the needs of visitors in today’s multicultural society. The research will be conducted at various Anzac-related museum and heritage experiences in Australia, New Zealand, UK and Turkey (Gallipoli).

The first investigator for this research project is Associate Professor Jan Packer. The project is funded by the Australian Research Council (Discovery Project 130101258).


Project Team

  • Dr Jan Packer, University of Queensland Business School
  • Prof Roy Ballantyne, University of Queensland Business School
  • Prof David Uzzell, University of Surrey School of Psychology
  • Dr Tiina Roppola, University of Canberra, Faculty of Education
  • Ms Regan Forrest, University of Queensland Business School
  • Ms Karen Hofman, University of Queensland Business School


Project Aims

  1. To explore the ways in which visitors to museums and heritage sites incorporate the Anzac story in their sense of national identity;
  2. To investigate the influence of a visit to an Anzac museum or heritage site on visitors’ national identity; and
  3. To identify aspects of the visitor experience that facilitate deeper engagement.

For further information, contact Jan Packer:


Project Timeline

January - December 2013 Interviews with visitors to the Australian War Memorial
January 2014– August 2015 Online survey and follow-up interviews with visitors to Anzac battlefields at Gallipoli; Melbourne Museum; Australian War Memorial; National Anzac Centre at Albany; Imperial War Museum London.
September 2015 – June 2016 Data analysis and report writing


Prize winners

Congratulations to the following participants who were recruited at Te Papa, Wellington, in September-October 2015.  They have each won a copy of the book Gallipoli: The New Zealand Story: Lisa Corbett; Neil Curgenven; Anne Rayner; Mac Post; and Beverley Brown.

Congratulations to Roger Cherry who was recruited at Gallipoli, in the March-August 2015 period.  He has won a $200 travel voucher.

Congratulations to the following participants who were recruited at the Australian War Memorial, in March-August 2015.  They have each won a copy of the book Anzac Treasures: the Gallipoli Collection of the Australian War Memorial: Pieter Eecen; Ron Bowden; Josephine Mizzi; ‪Catherine Lunney;  Georgie Kaskoutas.

Congratulations to the following participants who were recruited at the National Anzac Centr, Albany, in in March-August 2015.  They have each won a copy of the book Albany at the dawn of the Anzac legend: Faye Clements; Glenice Cook; Richard Ferguson;  Ann-Maria Cochrane; Robyn McGregor.
